Write an essay based on the charts below.In your writing,you should 1) interpret the charts, and 2) give your comments.

admin2019-04-19  12

问题    Write an essay based on the charts below.In your writing,you should
   1) interpret the charts, and
   2) give your comments.
   You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.(15 points)


答案 [1] Compared with other countries, Chinese read fewer books a year (4.56) than Americans (7), Japanese (8.5) and Koreans (11). More than 40 percent of the people covered by the latest national reading survey said they don’ t get enough time to read books, with over one-third saying reading has never been their hobby. Other major reasons cited by people for staying away from books are, not knowing what to read, unable to find interesting books and preference for TV programs. [2] The importance of reading cannot be overstated. As UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova said on April 23, World Book Day, books are " the embodiment of creativity, the desire to share ideas and knowledge, to inspire understanding, dialogue and tolerance". Sven Birkerts, author of Gutenberg Elegies, coined the term " deep reading" : the slow and meditative processing of a book. Deep reading demands and develops analytical reasoning and analogical skills. It makes us reflect on how we are connected to the world and helps us understand our lives through other people’ s languages and voices. To encourage more people to read, perhaps the government should build more libraries. China has only one library for every 460,000 people, while the international standard is one for every 50, 000. There are more public libraries than Starbucks and McDonalds in the US. In China, however, you have to travel long distances even in big cities to visit a library. Only when every community has a library can reading become part of our daily lives.

