Which of the following is true about the catches of Pacific area?

admin2020-02-11  26

问题 Which of the following is true about the catches of Pacific area?
Pacific island nations have vowed to oppose US efforts to increase its catch limit in the world’s largest tuna fishery, saying the proposal does nothing to improve sustainable fishing. The United States is expected to try to increase its quota for bigeye tuna at a meeting of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) taking place in Honolulu this Week. The meeting brings together 26 nations to determine fishing policy in the Pacific, which accounts for almost 60 percent of the global tuna catch, worth about $6. 0 billion annually. It is mostly made up of small island nations but also includes so-called "distant-water nations" that come from a far afield as Europe, China, the United States, South Korea and Japan to fish Pacific tuna. Island nations regularly accuse them of being reluctant to curb the lucrative industry in the interests of long-term conservation.
   President Donald Trump’s administration will push this year to catch more bigeye — one of the most sought-after species of tuna for sashimi — as a reward for complying with the commission’s monitoring rules.
   All fishing fleets are supposed to carry independent fisheries observers on at least five percent of their boats as means of ensuring quotas are not exceeded and to collect accurate data. However, most nations aside from the United States ignore the monitoring requirement.
   Ludwig Kumoru, chief executive of a Pacific island grouping called the Parties to the Nauru Agreement, said the US bigeye quota should not be lifted simply because it was following the rules. "Good reporting should not be used as a condition to increase catch, "
   he said Monday. "We should instead concentrate on bringing conservation measures that actually support sustainable fishing. "
   The head of the Pacific Islands Forum’s fisheries agency FFA, Manu Tupou-Roosen, said her aim was to "maintain the strength of the tropical tuna measure (protections) and not to weaken the existing provisions".

选项 A、Pacific island nations regularly accuse distant-water nations of curbing the lucrative industry in the interests of long-term conservation.
B、Pacific island nations support US efforts to increase its catch limit.
C、Pacific island nations curb the development of the lucrative industries.
D、Island nations believe that sustainable fishing is more important than the development of lucrative industry.


解析 观点态度的找寻和判断。根据原文“Island nations regularly accuse them of being reluctant to curb the lucrative industry in the interests of long-term conservation”可知,太平洋岛屿国家经常指责远洋国家不愿为了长期保护而限制利润丰厚的产业,因此D选项“太平洋岛屿国家认为,渔业的可持续性比利润丰厚的产业发展更为重要”与原文内容相符,为正确选项。A选项“太平洋岛屿国家经常指责远洋国家为了长期保护而限制利润丰厚的渔业”与原文内容相反,为错误选项。B选项“太平洋岛国支持美国为提高捕捞限额而做的努力”,根据原文第一句“Pacific island nations have vowed to oppose US efforts to increase its catch limit in the world’s largest tuna fishery”,可知太平洋岛屿国家反对美国对提高捕捞限额所做的努力,因此B项表述与原文不符。C选项“太平洋岛屿国家限制了利润丰厚产业的发展”, “lucrative industries”表示所有利润丰厚的产业,而太平洋地区只是限制对金枪鱼的过度捕捞,因此C项表述太过笼统,为错误选项。
