
admin2019-09-18  33

问题    纵观世界文明史,人类先后经历了农业革命、工业革命、信息革命。每一次产业技术革命,都给人类生产生活带来巨大而深刻的影响。现在,以互联网为代表的信息技术日新月异,引领了社会生产新变革,创造了人类生活新空间,拓展了国家治理新领域。互联网让世界变成了“鸡犬之声相闻”的地球村,相隔万里的人们不再“老死不相往来”。
   中国正处在信息化快速发展的历史进程之中。中国高度重视互联网发展,自21年前接入国际互联网以来,我们按照积极利用、科学发展、依法管理、确保安全的思路,加强信息基础设施建设,发展网络经济,推进信息惠民。  “十三五”时期,中国将大力实施网络强国战略、国家大数据战略、  “互联网+”行动计划,发展积极向上的网络文化,拓展网络经济空间,促进互联网和经济社会融合发展。我们的目标,就是要让互联网发展成果惠及13亿多中国人民,更好造福各国人民。


答案 The history of world civilizations shows that humanity has gone through agricultural, industrial and information revolutions. Each of the industrial and technological revolutions has exerted profound impact on our way of production and life. Today, the Internet-based information technologies are changing rapidly with each passing day. They have created new ways of production and new space for people’s lives, and opened new horizon for governance. The Internet has turned the world into a global village where distance no longer prevents people from interacting with each other and made communication among people easier than ever before. China is going through a historical process of rapid application of information technologies. It attaches great importance to Internet development. Since it was connected to the Internet 21 years ago, the country has followed the principles of active utilization, balanced development, law-based regulation and ensuring security, strengthened IT infrastructure, developed cyber economy and made life better for its people through IT application. During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, China will vigorously implement the national cyber development strategy, the national big data strategy and the "Internet Plus" action plan. We will develop an uplifting cyber culture, open up more space for cyber economy, and promote the integration of Internet development with economic and social progress. Our goal is to ensure that the Internet development will benefit the more than 1.3 billion Chinese people and people in other countries.

解析    原文第一段主要说明以互联网为代表的信息革命对世界的重要意义。
