For two candidates Your company is going to release a report on globalization. You have been asked to write it. Discuss and deci

admin2012-09-14  45

问题 For two candidates
Your company is going to release a report on globalization. You have been asked to write it. Discuss and decide together:
Effects of globaliztion
What should developing countries do to meet the challenge.


答案PART THREE Collaborative task and discussion (about 7 minutes) Interlocutor: Now this part of the test you are going to discuss together. [Interlocutor points to the card showing the task while giving the instructions below.] Interlocutor: You have 30 seconds to read the task carefully, and then 3 minutes to discuss and decide about it together. You should give reasons for your decisions and opinons. You don’t need to write anything. Is that clear? [Interlocutor places the card in front of the candidates.] Interlocutor: I’m just going to listen and then ask you to stop after 3 minutes. Please speak so that we can hear you. [Candidates have about 3 minutes to complete the task.] A: Will worldwide economic globalization lead to global common prosperity? B: It is by no mean so. A: What is the reason behind it? B: Because the world wealth created in the economic globalization process will fall into the hands of a handful of developed countries and a majority of developing countries will still face the likelihood of marginalization. A: Is economic globalization confined to the economic field only? B: Economic is by no means confined to the economic field, and the struggle with the field of ideology is far from vanished. A: Then how can developing countries face up to the challenge? B: To realize economic prosperity and outgrow the world second-ranked citizens status, developing countries should not rest on the Western-advanced economic globalization only. They should develop their domestic economies in a way suitable for their national condition. [Materials are collected.] [The interlocutor asks one or more questions as appropriate, to extend the discussion.] Interlocutor’s Questions (1) Why do you think companies do international business? 你认为公司进行国际贸易的原因是什么? (1)—I think companies do international business in order to develop new markets, or to reduce costs through economies of scale or lower wages. —I think companies do international business in order to take advantage of rich resources in other countries or lower government restrictions. (2) What do you think are the dimensions for companies to choose products for globalisation? 你认为公司选择产品进行全球营销的准则是什么? (2)—I think it depends on the degree of local adaptation and expected returns. (3)Do you think licensing will be the most popular way of entering foreign markets? (Why? /Why not?) 你认为许可合同贸易是进入国外市场最常用的方法吗?(为什么?) (3)—I think so, because licensing requires no investment, the financial risk is the lowest compared to other ways of entering foreign markets. Companies can still gain royalty for allowing licensee to sell its products or using its brand names. —No, I don’t think so. Licensing is of low financial risk, but it has the risk of trade secrets being given away and licensor cannot keep close control of the product. (4)Do you think joint-venture is an effective way of doing international business? (Why? / Why not?) 你认为合资企业是进行国际贸易有效的方法吗?(为什么?) (4)—Yes, because in a typical joint venture, two companies can share some of the costs and risk, moreover, they can pool their know-how and learn from each other. —No, because in a joint venture, organisations may lose control of their operations.

