
admin2019-10-04  24

问题 如今,京津冀“串门儿旅游”成为一种常态。而这一切源于2014年,京津冀协同发展上升为国家战略,在诸多抓手中,旅游产业是率先破题的领域之一。2014年4月,天津市旅游局与京冀两地旅游部门召开工作会议,明确了组织一体化、管理一体化、市场一体化的发展目标。四年来,天津市旅游部门在加强与京冀旅游优势互补、信息互换、游客互送等方面做了大量务实有效的工作。


答案Nowadays, travelling around the Jingjinji region (namely, Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei province) has become a common thing for local people since 2014, when the coordinated development strategy for this region was laid out with tourism as one of the top priorities. In April 2014, the Tourism Bureaus in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei held a meeting and set a development target—the integration of organization, management and mar ket. From then on, the Tianjin Tourism Bureau has done a lot to promote mutual advantages, information exchange and tourist transportation within the Jingjinji region.

解析     1.“串门儿旅游”可不直译,直接翻译成“在京津冀地区旅游”,即travelling around the Jingjinji region。
    2.“京津冀”是有中国特色的词汇,可以采取“直译+增译”的处理方法,即the Jingjinji region(namely,Beijing,Tianjin and Hebei province)。
    3.“一种常态”可以理解为“在京津冀旅游成为一件很平常的事情”,故可以翻译为a common thing。
    4.“率先破题的领域之一”可以理解为“首要任务之一”,故可翻译为one of the top priorities。
    5.“组织一体化、管理一体化、市场一体化”三个一体化可提炼出共性“一体化”,用the integration of…的形式,译为the integration of organization,management and market。
