The threat from global warming, he reports, "Is very real. It is only a matter of time before the temperature of the surface of

admin2011-01-02  12

问题     The threat from global warming, he reports, "Is very real. It is only a matter of time before the temperature of the surface of the Earth becomes uncomfortable warm. What can we do? Well frankly, I don’t believe we’ll ever be able to supply our power needs by simple devices such as windmills. I think the restriction of emissions of greenhouse gases will require the building of nuclear power stations in many places. The single most important development would be if there were some agreement on world population, because global warming will depend intrinsically on how much energy is consumed."
   "But one of the reasons why the human population is growing so fast -- it is unlikely to stop this side of eight billion is precisely because we opted out of natural selection."


答案 他说,全球变暖的趋势带来的威胁“是实实在在的,地球表面的温度迟早会热得让人不舒服。我们能做些什么呢?坦率地说,我相信靠风车这样简单的装置永远不能解决我们的能源问题。我认为,对温室气体的排放加以限制,就意味着要在许多地方建核电站。惟一最重要的发展或许是能否就世界人口问题达成一些协议,因为全球是否变暖从根本上取决于能源消耗量。” “但是世界人口增长如此之快——看来我们无法阻止80亿人的发展趋势,其原因恰好就是我们逃避了自然选择。”

