Scientists Johan Feenstra and Rob Hayes think they’ve figured out how a process called electrowetting can make paper that can do

admin2014-04-20  23

问题     Scientists Johan Feenstra and Rob Hayes think they’ve figured out how a process called electrowetting can make paper that can do anything a videoscreen does. So far, though, all they’ve got to show for their efforts is a tiny piece of e-paper one centimeter square—only 225 pixels, or picture elements. That won’t be nearly enough for headlines and news videos. The only hint of the technology’s potential is a laptop presentation the inventors have set up. It features Professor Snape, Harry Potter’s teacher, holding an electronic newspaper with an embedded video clip. " That’s what we want," says Hayes.
    They’re likely to get it. Late last month in Tokyo, Sony took an important leap in this direction by introducing Librie, an e-book reader. Although it’s available only in black and white, Librie has the most important characteristic of paper: it reflects natural light. That means it can be read on sunny days or viewed from any angle. You can even choose your own font size. Is this finally the beginning of the end of paper?
    The answer is closer to "yes" than you may think. The holdup so far has been user-unfriendly screens, but now e-paper no longer relies on back-lit displays. A reflective display is easy on the eyes, with twice the contrast of computer screens and up to six times the brightness. It uses power only when changing the page, so a battery can last 300 hours. Several firms are competing for leadership. The Philip’s display on Librie uses technology from Massachusetts-based E-Ink Corp. An electric charge moves either black or white capsules to the surface of the page in patterns that form images. Gyricon Media uses rotating balls with one black side and one white side for signs and billboards. Other companies are focusing on improvements in liquid-crystal displays.     The next challenge is to add color. One option for books would be a simple color filter, but that would block two thirds of the light. Guofu Zhou, who runs the E-Ink project for Philips, thinks products with colored ink can be ready for the market within seven years. He’s now focusing on e-paper that can display 16 or more gradations of gray, which would come in handy in medical imaging or to display black-and-white photographs at home.
    Labs around the world are also racing to design a robust yet flexible backing. Philips researchers are working on a technology for laminating E-Ink on a plastic layer instead of glass, which would then roll into a pen-sized tube. A flexible product for mobile phones and digital cameras can be ready in three to five years.  
Guofu Zhou would probably agree that______.

选项 A、adding a color filter will be a simple solution
B、colored ink remains a tough problem
C、e-paper will be adopted both in the office and at home
D、the obstacle now is the user-unfriendly screens


解析 推断题。由题干中的Guofu Zhou定位至第四段第三句,该句指出周国富认为装有彩色墨水的阅读器在七年之内会投放市场。接着提到:他现在致力于研究能够显示16级或更多灰色色级的电子纸,它将被用在医学成像上或者做家庭黑白摄影照片的像纸。可见Guofu Zhou认为电子纸张可以办公用,也可以家用,故[C]为答案。该段第二句提到:一个选择是增加简单的色彩过滤器,但那会阻挡三分之二的光。可见这不是一个好的解决方案,排除[A]。[B]与第三句中的colored ink can be ready for the market within seven years矛盾,故排除。[D]为第三段第二句的细节,该内容与周国富的观点无关,故排除。
