
admin2015-11-30  44

问题     中国是世界上最多产的(prolific)图书生产国之一,但中国人的阅读率偏低。近几十年来,中国的书籍供应量大大增加,但人们对书籍的兴趣却跟不上其增加的速度。一项调查显示,2012年中国人年平均读书4.39本。这一数据与一些发达国家有很大差距。如美国人年平均读书7本,法国人8.4本。此外,中国人平均每天用在读书上的时间仅约15分钟。鉴于此,中国政府正考虑通过立法(legislation)推动全民阅读。


答案 Chinese people read books at a relatively low rate despite the fact that China is one of the world’s most prolific book producers. While the supply of books has exploded in China in recent decades, Chinese people’s interest in them has not kept up with. According to a survey, Chinese people read 4.39 books per capita in 2012, a figure that is far lower than that of some developed countries. For example, the Americans read 7 books a year on average, and the French 8. 4. Moreover, on average, Chinese people allocate just about 15 minutes a day to reading. In response to these problems, the Chinese government is considering legislation to promote national reading activities.

解析 1.第一句中的两个分句存在转折关系,译文中使用了介宾短语despite the fact,fact后面是that引导的同位语从句,其中despite也可以用in spite of来代替。
2.在第二句中,“中国的书籍供应量……跟不上其增加的速度”也就是人们对书籍的兴趣跟不上大大增加的书籍供应量,故“其增加的速度”可以略去不译。“供应量”译为supply,“大大增加”译为has exploded,其中“大大”也可以用enormously,sharply等表示。
3.第三句和第四句可以整合为一个英语句子。把第四句处理为4.39 books per capita in 2012的同位语,起补充说明的作用。
4.原文第六句中的“每天用在读书上的时间仅约……”可以译为allocate just about 15 minutes aday to reading,也可以用spend only about 15 minutes a day on reading来表达。
