(1)The Boy Scouts of America(BSA), the largest youth organization in the United States, has policies which prohibit atheists, ag

admin2016-11-03  32

问题     (1)The Boy Scouts of America(BSA), the largest youth organization in the United States, has policies which prohibit atheists, agnostics, and "known or avowed" homosexuals from membership in its Scouting program; both youths and adults have had their memberships revoked as a result The BSA contends that these policies are essential in its mission to instill in young people the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
    (2)According to its mission statement, the Boy Scouts of America seeks "to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law". All members are required, as a condition of membership, to promise to uphold and obey both of these pledges.
    (3)In reciting the Scout Oath, a Scout promises to be morally straight and to do their duty to God; the Scout Law holds that a Scout is clean and reverent. The BSA also prohibits girls from participating in Cub Scouting and Boy Scouting. These policies are controversial and are considered by some to be unfair.
    (4)The organization’s legal right to have these policies has been upheld repeatedly by both state and federal courts. The Supreme Court of the United States has affirmed that as a private organization, the BSA can set its own membership standards. In recent years, the policy disputes have led to litigation over the terms under which the BSA can access governmental resources including public lands.
    (5)In certain municipalities, the conditions under which the Boy Scouts of America can access public and nonpublic governmental resources have become controversial, sometimes resulting in litigation.
    (6)When a private organization such as the BSA receives access on terms more favorable than other private organizations, it is known as "special" or "preferential" access. For example, state and local governments may lease property to nonprofit groups on terms that are preferential to or equal to the terms they offer to commercial groups. Special access includes access at a reduced fee or access to places off-limits to other groups. The categorization of access as "special" or "equal" is not always clear-cut.
    (7)Some cities, counties, and states have ordinances or policies that limit government support for organizations that practice some types of discrimination. When the BSA’s membership policies are contrary to these laws, some government organizations have moved to change the terms under which the BSA is allowed to access its resources. Private individuals have filed lawsuits to prevent governmental entities from granting what they see as preferential access. The BSA on the other hand has sued governmental entities for denying what it sees as equal access.
    (8)In response to these changes and litigation, the federal government passed laws mandating the BSA’s equal access to local and state-level governmental resources. However, state and local governments still have flexibility regarding the provision of special access to the BSA.
    (9)There also has been opposition to BSA’s membership policies, both from organizations and individuals. Some within the Scouting movement, as well as long-time Scouting supporters, parents, chartered organizations, and religious organizations have expressed opposition to the policies in ways ranging from protests to forming organizations that advocate inclusiveness. Some push for a voluntary change within the BSA, others seek involuntary change by filing lawsuits, still others choose to disassociate themselves from the BSA or encourage others to do so.
    (10)The Unitarian Universalist Association’s opposition to the BSA’s membership exclusions led to a dispute between the organizations. In 2001, the Union for Reform Judaism’s Commission on Social Action, citing a commitment to ending discrimination in all forms, issued a memorandum recommending that congregations stop hosting BSA troops and that parents withdraw their children from all of the Boy Scouts of America’s programs. Additionally, the General Synod of the United Church of Christ issued a statement urging the BSA to change policy and stated that, "Discrimination against anyone based on sexual orientation is contrary to our understanding of the teachings of Christ." The Secular Coalition for America has urged Congress to revoke the federal charter of the BSA, stating: "Our government must not entangle itself in religious organizations; nor should it establish, with government imprimatur, a private religious club."
    (11)There have been numerous efforts to change the BSA’s membership policies, but most of them have failed. Thus, the fight will go on and there is a long way to go before a satisfactory result is achieved.
Some government organizations have changed the terms for the BSA to access its resources because _____.

选项 A、they decide not to offer "preferential" access to the BSA according to the new law
B、they are under great pressure posed by oppositions from organizations and individuals
C、the BSA’s exclusive membership policies make it unqualified to get the accessing right
D、they don’t think the BSA can enjoy more "special" access than other private organizations


解析 根据第7段前两句可知,之所以修改条件关键在于童子军的成员资格政策具有歧视倾向,C符合该意义。政府修改允许童子军使用政府资源的条件所依据的法令是已经存在的,A中的new law与原文相悖;B没有原文根据;D是对题目意思的重复,未给出根本原因。
