Fanny, having been sent into the village on some errand by her aunt Norris, was overtaken by a heavy shower close to the Parsona

admin2019-03-20  31

问题 Fanny, having been sent into the village on some errand by her aunt Norris, was overtaken by a heavy shower close to the Parsonage; and being descried from one of the windows endeavoring to find shelter under the branches and lingering leaves of an oak just beyond their premises, was forced, though not without some modest reluctance on her part, to come in. A civil servant she had withstood; but when Dr. Grant himself went out with an umbrella, there was nothing to be done but to be very much a-shamed, and to get into the house as fast as possible; and to poor Miss Crawford, who had just been contemplating the dismal rain in a very desponding state of mind, sighing over the ruin of all her plan of exercise for that morning, and of every chance of seeing a single creature beyond themselves for the next twenty-four hours, the sound of a little bustle at the front door, and the sight of Miss Price dripping with wet in the vestibule, was delightful. The value of an event on a wet day in the country was most forcibly brought before her. She was all alive again directly, and among the most active in being useful to Fanny, in detecting her to be wetter than she would at first allow, and providing her with dry clothes; and Fanny, after being obliged to submit to all this attention, and to being assisted and waited on by mistresses and maids, being also obliged, on returning downstairs, to be fixed in their drawing-room for an hour while the rain continued, the blessing of something fresh to see and think of was thus extended to Miss Crawford, and might carry on her spirits to the period of dressing and dinner.


答案 原来,范妮受诺里斯姨妈差遣,到村子里办件什么事,在牧师住宅附近遇上了一阵大雨。牧师住宅里的人从窗子里看见她在院外凋零的栎树下避雨,便邀她进去,她是推却不过勉强从命的。她先是谢绝了一个仆人的好心邀请,可是等格兰特博士亲自拿了把伞走出来,她又觉得很不好意思,便赶快进去了。可怜的克劳福德小姐正心情沮丧地望着窗外的凄风苦雨,哀叹上午的户外活动计划化作了泡影,24小时内除了自家人以外再也见不到任何一个人,这时听到了前门口有动静,随即看到普莱斯小姐浑身滴着水走进了门廊,心里不禁十分高兴。她深深地感受到,乡下阴雨天能来个客人实在难得。她顿时又活跃起来,满腔热忱地关心起范妮,说她发现范妮的衣服都湿透了,便给她拿出了干衣服。范妮起初不肯承认自己衣服湿,后来只好接受这番关照,任凭太太、小姐和女仆们帮自己更换衣衫。后来又不得不回到楼下,眼见着雨下个不停,不得不在客厅里坐了一个小时。这一新鲜场面真令人赏心悦目,克劳福德小姐的兴致足以维持到更衣吃饭时间。

