Reagan’s Political Purpose Political platforms are usually written for election campaign purposes, then quickly scrapped aft

admin2013-07-08  36

问题                         Reagan’s Political Purpose
    Political platforms are usually written for election campaign purposes, then quickly scrapped after a presidential election. But the 1980 Republican platform bore a simple five-word title: "Family, Neighborhood, Work, Peace, Freedom ", and was planned and written with the purpose of creating an agenda for a Reagan administration On Day One, Jan. 20, 1981. My signal memory of Reagan’s first year in office is that we were actually able to stick to the plan that he insisted we put in place.
    Coupled with the basic policy framework, Reagan’s was one of the most carefully planned presidential transitions in modern political history,full of teams of "Reaganauts" dispatched to each department and agency in the days following the election. Staffing lists were compiled, and presidential and subca-binet appointments were made swiftly,background checks completed and necessary Senate hearings scheduled. The plan from the outset was to put in place the Reagan economic program as the major priority and foundation for every major initiative, domestic and foreign. Tax cuts were high on the president’s agenda, and work began, quietly and in the background for the most part on a huge "get well" program for the nation’s defenses.
    While Reagan received an immediate boost with the Inauguration Day release of the American hostages in Iran, it’s doubtful that the incident altered his approach. In his first press conference he declared that the Soviets "reserve the right to lie and cheat" to achieve their goals, setting some teeth on edge. There were, of course, unexpected moments that first year: David Stockman’s effort, as budget director, to undercut the president’s budget; and, of course, the assassination attempt outside the Washington Hilton in March. Remarkably, Reagan recovered from all these.
    One other thing stands out: Reagan’s ability to get along with Democrats, something he had shown he could do as governor of California. Although the House of Representatives was controlled by Democrats, the president managed to pass his tax reduction package. He also found a way, through one-on-one sessions with senatorial opponents of both parties, to gain Congressional approval of the sale of Awacs radar planes to Saudi Arabia. By 1991 ,the deployed aircraft were a decisive military asset in the Persian Gulf war.
    As Reagan’s debut year came to a close,I remember thinking how remarkable it was that he had managed to stay the course.
    Having watched subsequent presidencies bend in response to political pressure. I find the president’s first-year feat even more remarkable today.
According to the passage,what is the most important plan in Reagon’s first year?

选项 A、The program for nation’s defenses.
B、The arrangement of "Reaganauts".
C、The subcabinet appointments.
D、The program of economy.


解析 语义分析题。根据题于关键词most important plan,first year定位到原文第二段第三句:The plan from the outset was to put in place the Reagan economic program as the majorprioritY and foundation for every major initiative,domestic and foreign.最初的计划是把里根的经济纲领作为重中之重在国内外计划中推出。即里根上台最重要的计划是经济计划,故选[D]项。
