中国的烹饪历史悠久,有8 000多种有名的菜品,48种基本的烹饪方式,包括烤、煎、煮等。中国菜可以大致分为八大地方菜系(cuisine),流传最广的当属四川菜系。川菜以麻辣著称,宫保鸡丁、麻婆豆腐大受人们欢迎,四川火锅是世界上最有名的火锅。除此之外,还有其

admin2015-12-25  39

问题     中国的烹饪历史悠久,有8 000多种有名的菜品,48种基本的烹饪方式,包括烤、煎、煮等。中国菜可以大致分为八大地方菜系(cuisine),流传最广的当属四川菜系。川菜以麻辣著称,宫保鸡丁、麻婆豆腐大受人们欢迎,四川火锅是世界上最有名的火锅。除此之外,还有其他很多著名的地方菜系,如北京菜和上海菜。北京菜腻且偏咸,最典型的是北京烤鸭,几乎每一个到北京的外国人都会到全聚德吃烤鸭。上海菜油腻且口味偏甜,对于喜欢甜食的人再好不过了。


答案 Chinese cooking has a long history. There are over 8 000 well-known Chinese dishes and 48 basic ways of cooking including roasting, frying, boiling, etc. Chinese cooking can be roughly divided into eight regional cuisines. The most popular one is Sichuan cuisine, which is spicy and hot. Kung-pao chicken and mapo tofu are very popular with people. Sichuan hotpot is the most famous hotpot in the world. Additionally, there are many other famous local cuisines, such as Beijing cuisine and Shanghai cuisine. Beijing food is greasy and a little salty. The most typical one is Beijing roast duck. Nearly every foreigner who comes to Beijing will taste Beijing roast duck in Quanjude Restaurant. Shanghai food is oily and sweet. It’s the best choice for people who have a sweet tooth.

