
admin2015-01-09  38

问题     友谊需要滋养。有的人用钱,有的人用汗,还有的人用血。友谊是很贪婪的,绝不会满足于餐风饮露。友谊是最简朴同时也是最奢侈的营养,需要用时间去灌溉。友谊必须述说,友谊必须倾听,友谊必须交谈的时刻双目凝视,友谊必须倾听的时分全神贯注。友谊有的时候是那样脆弱,一句不经意的言辞,就会使大厦顷刻倒塌。友谊有的时候是那样容易变质,一个未经证实的传言,就会让整盆牛奶变酸。这个世界日新月异。在什么都是越现代越好的年代里,唯有友谊,人们保持着古老的准则。朋友就像文物,越老越珍贵。


答案 Friendship needs nourishment. Some people nourish it with money, some with sweat, and others with blood. Friendship is very greedy and it will never be satisfied with eating wind and drinking dew. Friendship is the most simple yet most extravagant nutrition; it needs time to foster. To gain and sustain friendship one must confide and listen; in a conversation, one must maintain eye contact, and one must be attentive when listening. Sometimes friendship is so fragile that a casual remark may ruin it just as an untended crack might lead to the sudden toppling of a magnificent building in a storm. Sometimes friendship is so perishable that an unproven rumor may deteriorate it just as a tiny portion of bacteria can sour a whole basin of milk. The world is changing fast. In an era when being more modern is always deemed better, only for friendship have people kept old norms. Friends are like antiques and relics—the older, the more valuable.

