
admin2016-06-22  69

问题     70年代以来,美国华人社会发生了重大的变化。最显著的是许多来自大陆的中国人不断涌人美国,使美国华人的人数猛增。随着华人人口的迅猛增加和华族素质的明显提高,华人经济日趋繁荣。据悉,自1986年起,美国华人经济已跃居全美少数民族之首,遥遥领先于日裔、韩裔等其他后裔。美国华人家庭的年均收入已超过美国白人家庭。目前,一批华人企业家在美国经济界享有一定声望。更可喜的是,近年来美国冒出一批知名华裔科技人才。他们的科技成就引起了国际科技界的注意和钦佩。同时华人的政治意识明显提高,涉足美国政界的人越来越多。


答案 Since the 1970s the Chinese community in the USA has undergone tremendous changes, a-mong which is its rapid increase in population as many Chinese have kept flooding into America’ s shore. As the population of the American citizens of Chinese descent have increased and their qualities have evidently improved, so their economic conditions have prospered. It is said that since 1986 the US citizens of Chinese descent have leapt to a good lead over other racial minorities, Japanese and Koreans, for instance. The average Chinese family’ s yearly income has now come to exceed that of the average American family. At present there is a number of enterprisers of Chinese descent in the economic circles in the US who enjoy considerable fame. An even more cheerful phenomenon is that in recent years there have sprung up in the US prominent scientific and ethnical talents of Chinese descent. Their achievements have come to command the notice and admiration of scientists and ethnical experts in the world. Meanwhile, Chinese descent citizens have more roles to play in American political circles, as they have risen evidently in political status.

