The conflicts build through complication. The tension amounts as characters take action to solve

admin2010-09-10  46

问题     The conflicts build through complication. The
tension amounts as characters take action to solve                                 【M1】______
their problems and succeed only in further entangle                                【M2】______
themselves. Inevitably, a point of crisis reached.                                 【M3】______
This is the climax, the turning point of the play.
Here the protagonist faces with a crucial choice,                                  【M4】______
makes a decision, takes decisive action and pushes
the play forward to its conclusion. It is at this point of
crisis which the ending of the play is determined;                                 【M5】______
once the climax is past, the play can end in only one                              【M6】______
way. In a short drama the plot rushes to its conclusions                           【M7】______
after the climax. There is no slow unwinding or
quiet recapitulation in the end. Instead, the effect is                            【M8】______
often sudden and stunning. In" Heat Lightning "the
climax is evident: a frightful grid, facing two                                    【M9】______
strangers, decides at which one is a potential enemy and                           【M10】______
which one is a friend.


答案将in the end 改为 at the end。

解析 in the end 相当 at last,finally 最后,终于,如:He tried many different jobs;in the end he became a postman.他试过许多不同的工作,最后当上了邮递员。at the end表示“在……的末尾,在……结局”,此处指在剧本的末尾。
