Each of us is working hard to be happy. Happiness brings substantial benefits for society【C1】______. There is clear and【C2】_____

admin2019-10-13  28

问题    Each of us is working hard to be happy. Happiness brings substantial benefits for society【C1】______. There is clear and【C2】______evidence that happier people have better overall health and live longer than their less happy peers. They can reduce their【C3】______to a cold or a heart attack by【C4】______50%.
   Happier people are more likely to wear seat belts and【C5】______road accidents. Happier people are even more financially responsible, tending to【C6】______more rigorous control over their expenditures. Most importantly of all, people who are happier are more【C7】______to make positive contributions to society and participate in public activities. They also have a greater respect【C8】______law and order and offer more help.
   There is even evidence that happiness is contagious or spreading,【C9】______happier people help others around them to become happier too. In other words, how happy we are has a measurable impact on the【C10】______of our friend’s friends.

选项 A、possible


解析 该选项容易上当,考查的是语法知识。首先排除的是satisfactory(令人满意的),然后可根据空白处后面的结构排除pleasant(令人愉快的)。请注意下列形容词的用法:comfortable difficult easy hard impossible possible probable请判断下列句子是否有语法错误:1. Children are easy to catch a cold in winter. 2. Many college graduates are hard to find decent jobs. 3. This sentence is difficult to be translated. 4. Those who come from rural areas are more possible to live lean(省吃俭用). 5. We are impossible to get a high score on this test. 6. If the lecture is boring,students are hard to get interested in it. 上述六个句子看似正确,但实际上都是典型的错句,而且是不容易发现的错误。在这样的句式中,要求不定式中的动词必须是及物动词,用主动形式,但不能自带宾语。而形容词likely或willing不属于这类词,不受这些限制。有关形容词与不定式连用的用法说明可参考《研究生英语学位课统考知识要点精解》第五章。
