People widely believed that the controlled use of fire originated 200,000 years ago with the human species Homo sapiens. However

admin2018-07-04  59

问题 People widely believed that the controlled use of fire originated 200,000 years ago with the human species Homo sapiens. However, a site containing a deposit, estimated to be nearly 500,000 years old, consisting of charcoal, burned animal bones, and charred rocks, has recently been found. Although homo sapiens did not exist at that time, this discovery provides no basis to the claim that the controlled use of fire preceded the Homo sapiens, since ______.
Which of the following most logically completes the passage?

选项 A、the use of fire might have originated independently in several different parts of the world
B、it is possible that fire was used much earlier than 500,000 years ago
C、the charred rocks found in the deposit included several different kinds of stone, all of which are common in the immediate vicinity of the site
D、animal bones could have been discarded in a fire used for purposes such as protection or heat rather than for cooking
E、it is impossible to determine whether a charred deposit dating from so long ago resulted from a fire caused by lightening or from the purposeful use of fire


解析 A.the use of fire might have originated independently in several different parts of the world火的使用有可能独立起源于世界上不同的几个地方
解析:本题与火的起源地无关。不选。 is possible that fire was used much earlier than 500,000 years ago火有可能在500,000年以前就被使用了
C.the charred rocks found in the deposit included several different kinds of stone,all of which ale common in the immediate vicinity of the site在沉积物中发现的烧黑了的岩石包含了几种不同的石头,所有的这些石头在遗址周围都很常见
D.animal bones could have been discarded in a fire used for purposes such as protection or heat rather than for cooking动物骨头有可能是为了保护或加热而非做饭的目的被扔到了火里
解析:不论是保护还是加热,都是对火的可控使用,而该选项的动物骨头指的是原文中500,000年前的动物骨头,因此该选项反而证明500,000年前就已经存在对于火的可控使用,不选。 is impossible to determine whether a charred deposit dating from so long ago resulted from a fire caused by lightening or from the purposeful use of fire无法确定如此古老的烧焦的沉积物是来自于闪电导致的火还是来自于对火的有目的的使用
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