With thunderclouds looming over the trans-Atlantic economy, it was easy to miss a bright piece of news last weekend from the oth

admin2013-03-26  44

问题     With thunderclouds looming over the trans-Atlantic economy, it was easy to miss a bright piece of news last weekend from the other crucible of world trade, the Pacific Rim. In Honolulu, where Barack Obama hosted a summit of Asia-Pacific leaders, Canada, Japan and Mexico expressed interest in joining nine countries ( America, Australia, Brunei, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam) in discussing a free-trade pact. Altogether, the possible members of the Trans-Pacific Partnership(TPP) produce 40% of world GDP—far more than the European Union.
    Regional trade deals are not always a good idea. If they distract policymakers from global trade liberalization, they are to be discouraged. But with the Doha round of global trade talks showing no flicker of life, there is little danger that the TPP will derail a broader agreement; and by cutting barriers, strengthening intellectual-property protections and going beyond a web of existing tradedeals, it should boost world trade.
    The creation of a wider TPP is still some way off.  For it to come into being its architects—Mr. Obama, who faces a tough election battle next year, and Japan’s Yoshihiko Noda, who faces crony politics laced with passionate protectionism—need to show more leadership.
    Mr. Noda’s announcement on November 11 th that Japan was interested in joining the TPP negotiations was an exceedingly bold move. Signing up would mean dramatic changes in Japan, a country which has 800% tariffs on rice and exports 65 vehicles to America for every one that is sent to Japan. Mr. Noda’s move could also transform the prospects of the TPP, most obviously by uniting two of the world’s leading three economies but also by galvanizing others. Until he expressed an interest, Canada and Mexico had also remained on the sidelines. Unwittingly or not, Mr. Noda has thrust mercantilist Japan into a central position on a trade treaty in which free movement of everything except labor is on the table.
    Immense obstacles loom for Mr. Noda. He came into office in September casting himself as a conciliator of Japan’s warring political factions. Many of those groups are opposed to the TPP. Farm co-operatives, which feather many a politician’s nest, argue that it would rob Japan of its rice heritage, doctors warn of the risks to Japan’s cherished health system. Socialists see the TPP as a Washington-led sideswipe at China, which had hoped to build an East Asian trade orbit including Japan. Mr. Nora will have to contend not just with Opposition from rival parties but also with a split on the issue inside his Democratic Party of Japan.
    Since Honolulu, Mr. Noda has already pandered to protectionists by watering down his message. Having beamed next to Mr. Obama in a summit photo; he then protested that the White House had overstated his intention to put all goods and services up for negotiation. Polls, however, suggest the Japanese are crying out for Leadership on the issue, not pusillanimity. More support the idea of entering TPP negotiations than oppose it. On their behalf Mr. Noda should lead Japan forth-rightly into the discussions, confident that the bbuntry carl bargain well enough to give its sacred industries such as farming and health care time to adjust.
    It is also a test for Mr. Obama’s new strategy of coping with China’s rise by "pivoting" American foreign policy more towards Asia. He must stand up to the unions in the car industry which have long bellyached about the imbalance of trade with Japan. He should energetically promote the potential gains for jobs of his pro-Asia strategy—both at home and abrdad. America should also stress that the TPP is meant to engage and incorporate China, rather than constrain it
    Such steps would help win support in Japan, while costing America little.  And in joining the TPP, Japan would be forced to reform hidebound parts of its economy,  such as services, which would stimulate growth. A revitalized Japan would add to the dynamism of a more liberalized Asia-Pacific region. That is surely something worth fighting for.
Which of the following could NOT be true as the possible consequences of Japan’s joining the TPP?

选项 A、It would increase the GDP of the TPP members.
B、It could transform the prospects of the TPP.
C、It would become conciliation between Japan’s warring political factions.
D、It would lead to a more liberalized transpacific trade relation.


解析 从文章中第五段“Many of those groups are opposed to the TPP”可以看出不仅竞争党派存在反对加入TPP的声音,Mr.Noda自己的民主党派中也有反对者。因此可以推断如果日本加入TPP,政治派系之间达成党派之间或党派内部调解是不会发生的。选项C最符合题意。
