
admin2016-04-26  26

问题     丝绸是中国伟大而独特的发明,是中国古老文明的象征,距今有五千多年的历史。在古代中国,丝绸是一种身份的象征,代表着典雅和高贵(nobleness),最早只有帝王才能使用。在古代对外贸易中,丝绸是一种必不可少的高级商品。在现代,丝绸因为其轻薄、柔软、舒适的特点而受到大众的普遍欢迎。中国丝绸以其卓越的品质、精美的花色(design and color),在国际上享有很高的声誉。丝绸文化是具有中国特色的文化之一,有着独特的魅力和深刻的文化内涵(connotation)。


答案Silk is a great invention peculiar to China and a symbol of ancient Chinese civilization, with a history of more than 5,000 years. As a symbol of status, silk represented elegance and nobleness and was only available to emperors originally in ancient China. It was a high-grade commodity indispensable to ancient foreign trade. In modern times, silk is popular among people because it is light, soft and comfortable. Chinese silk enjoys a high reputation worldwide for its remarkable quality, as well as exquisite designs and colors. As one of the cultures featuring Chinese element, silk culture possesses unique charm and profound cultural connotations.

解析 1.在首句中,“距今有……年的历史”通常用with a history of短语来翻译,可放在句末,或作为插入语放在句中,使英文句子更简洁。
2.“丝绸是……最早只有帝王才能使用”,在这一句中,“使用”一词可以直接用be used by...表达,也可以用短语be available to,后者更符合英文表达。
3.在“丝绸是一种必不可少的高级商品”中,“高级”没有翻译成advanced,而是用了high一grade,后者更能强调质量和质地。“必不可少的”参考译文使用了短语indispensable to,因此将“古代对外贸易”放置句末,作to的宾语。
4.在“丝绸文化是具有中国特色的文化之一”中的“具有……特色”可用英文feature来表达,“具有中国特色”可译为featuring Chinese element,用分词短语作后置定语修饰“文化”。
