On Biodiversity In 1992, governments adopted the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, /which required access to genetic re

admin2012-05-04  32



答案 On Biodiversity In 1992, governments adopted the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, /which required access to genetic resources to be accompanied by equal benefit-sharing. /While the protocol will emphasize the sovereign rights of states over the resources, /the industrialized countries do not want it to recognize the rights /of indigenous and local communities over biological resources under customary use. /Nor do they want to recognize the rights of such communities /to participate in decisions regarding access to these resources. /Furthermore, they do not want it to cover traditional knowledge /that is already in the public domain. /This would enable companies to freely access this knowledge /without the need for consent or sharing of benefits that arise from its use. / If publicly available traditional knowledge is excluded, /it will greatly limit the scope for benefit-sharing with these communities. /This would make it harder to generate incentives /that encourage local people who live off biodiversity to conserve it.

解析     本文主题:生物多样化。本文属于科技类文章,多音节单词较多,给拼写造成一定影响。考生平时需要积累单词的构词法知识,掌握一定数量的词根。第一句是中心句,指出《联合国生物多样性条例》规定了政府问对基因资源的利用和平等的利益共享。随后的内容则围绕这一主题展开。本文听写的难点是多音节单词,如“governments”,“accompanied”,“sovereign”,“industrialized”,“indigenous”,“participate”等等。听写过程中要留意连词,并准确把握前后分句的含义。
