
admin2020-02-10  30

问题     作为世界上人口最多的国家,中国必然要受到一体化发展的影响。全球经济一体化提高了全球资本及技术的流动,也引起了各国对中国开放政策的重视。这个世界最大消费市场的开放前景,吸引了大量跨国企业及国际投资进入中国,这些都对中国最近取得的经济成就起到推动作用。通过进口、合资、国际合作及外国直接投资等经营手段,中国在相当短的时期内提高了投资水平,并获得了大量先进技术。同时,贸易自由化也使中国能够增加对外出口,并在国内创造新的收入及就业机会。


答案 As the world’s most populous country, China cannot help being affected by the globalization developments. The globalization of the world’s economies has increased international mobility of the world’s financial capital and technologies, and their responsiveness to China’s Open Policy. The prospects of operating in the world’s largest consumer market have attracted many multinational companies and international investments to China, thereby contributing to China’s recent economic success. Through international business vehicles such as importing, joint ventures, international contractual and licensing agreements, and foreign direct investment, China has been able to raise the level of investment and gain access to modern technologies in a relatively short period of time. At the same time, trade liberalization has allowed China to increase her exports to create new income and employment opportunities at home.

解析 背景介绍
-  全球经济一体化提高了全球资本及技术的流动:  “流动”是指资金和技术在全球范围内不断流通和交流,英译时可以把“流动”译成名词形式来平衡句式结构,译为:The globalization of the world’s economies has increased international mobility of the world’s financial capital and technologies.
-  也引起了各国对中国开放政策的重视:  “重视”意味着各国对中国开放政策的关注度加强,并就此做出了相应的响应。因此,这里的“重视”即响应能力,可以译为“and their responsiveness to China’s Open Policy”。
-  这个世界最大消费市场的开放前景,吸引了大量跨国企业及国际投资进入中国:  “开放前景”在这里具体指代跨国企业和国际投资在中国经营业务的前景,在翻译时应将其具体含义译出,译为:The prospects of operating in the world’s largest consumer market have attracted many multinational companies and international investments to China.
-  “国际合作”指在中外开展的各项合作中取得的成果,即合同和许可协议,英译时不能笼统地翻译成cooperation,应翻译成international contractual and licensing agreements。
-  通过进口、合资、国际合作及外国直接投资等经营手段:  “通过……等经营手段”,可译成through international business vehicles such as…的句型结构;这里的“经营手段”是指不同类型的国际商贸形式,译文为:Through international business vehicles such as importing,joint ventures,international contractual and licensing agreements.
