这些自然现象,我国古代劳动人民称它为物候(phenological phenomena)。物候知识在我国起源很早。古代流传下来的许多农谚就包含了丰富的物候知识。到了近代,利用物候知识来研究农业生产,已经发展为一门科学,就是物候学(phenology)。物候

admin2021-05-10  14

问题     这些自然现象,我国古代劳动人民称它为物候(phenological phenomena)。物候知识在我国起源很早。古代流传下来的许多农谚就包含了丰富的物候知识。到了近代,利用物候知识来研究农业生产,已经发展为一门科学,就是物候学(phenology)。物候学记录植物的生长荣枯,动物的养育往来,如桃花开、燕子来等自然现象,从而了解随着时节推移的气候变化和这种变化对动植物的影响。


答案 These natural phenomena are referred to as phenological phenomena by working people in ancient China. Phenological knowledge has a long history in our country, and it can be found in many farmers’ proverbs which were handed down from the ancient times. In modern times the phonological knowledge is used to study agriculture and develops into a science, phenology. It keeps a record of the growth and development of plants and animals, such as the blossoming of peach flowers or the returning of swallows, to facilitate our understanding of the climate change and its impact on flora and fauna.

解析 1.第一句中“自然现象”可翻译为natural phenomena,注意需使用复数;“称它为”就是“它被称为”可用短语refer to的被动语态进行翻译;“我国古代劳动人民”可译为working people in ancient China。
2.第二句和第三句可合并翻译。“起源很早”就是指“历史悠久”,可直接使用has a long history;“古代流传下来的许多农谚”可译为proverbs which were handed down from the ancient times,翻译此处时要注意理清逻辑关系,使用被动语态。
3.第四句的翻译可使用同位语,因为此处a science指的就是phenology。
4.第五句中“植物的生长荣枯,动物的养育往来”可理解为the growth and development of plants and animals;“桃花开、燕子来”指两种特定的物候现象,其中“燕子来”应指“燕子归来”,故译文中使用了returning一词;本句中两次出现了“动植物”的提法,为了避免重复,分别译为plants and animals及flora and fauna。
