The drama critic, on the other hand, has no such advantage. He cannot be selective; he must cover everything that is offered for

admin2013-01-20  46

问题     The drama critic, on the other hand, has no such advantage. He cannot be selective; he must cover everything that is offered for public scrutiny in the principal playhouses of the city where he works. The column space that seemed, yesterday, so pitifully inadequate to contain his comments on Long Day’s Journey Into Night is roughly the same as that which yawns today for his verdict on the latest scrap of milk-fed Kitsch that has chanced to find for itself a numbskull hacker with a hundred thousand dollars to lose. This state of affairs may help to explain why the New York theater reviewers are so often, and so unjustly, stigmatized as baleful and destructive fiends.  They spend most of their professional lives attempting to pronounce intelligent judgments on plays that have no aspiration to intelligence. It is hardly surprising that they lash out occasionally; in fact, what amazes me about them is that they do not lash out more violently and more frequently. As Shaw said of his fellow-critics in the nineties, they are "a culpably indulgent body of men." Imagine the verbal excoriations that would be inflicted if Lionel Trilling, or someone of comparable eminence, were called on to review five books a month of which three were novelettes composed of criminal confessions. The butchers of Broadway would seem lambs by comparison.  
In writing this passage, the author’s chief concern seems to be to ______.

选项 A、comment on the poor quality of our plays
B、show why book reviewing is easier than play reviewing
C、point up the opinions of Shaw
D、defend the work of the play critic


解析 在写这篇短文的过程中,作者主要关注的事情似乎是捍卫戏剧评论家的工作。作者在文中说,这种事态也许有助于说明纽约戏院的评论家们为什么那么频繁地、那么不公正地被污蔑为有害的、甚至让人毁灭的恶魔。他们将职业生涯的大部分时间用于明智地评判不太明智的戏剧。他们偶而破口大骂就不足为怪了。实际上,他们让我感到奇怪的是,他们骂得不够激烈,不够频繁。这几句话足以说明作者是在保护戏剧评论家。
