一个中国人完整的姓名包括“姓”和“名”两部分,姓在前,名在后。按传统习惯,中国人一般姓父亲的姓,但也有姓母亲的姓。姓,是代表有共同血缘关系的种族称号。中国汉民族的姓氏有很多,在北宋时,有人对姓氏做了收集统计,编了一本《百家姓》(Hundreds of Fa

admin2015-06-23  26

问题     一个中国人完整的姓名包括“姓”和“名”两部分,姓在前,名在后。按传统习惯,中国人一般姓父亲的姓,但也有姓母亲的姓。姓,是代表有共同血缘关系的种族称号。中国汉民族的姓氏有很多,在北宋时,有人对姓氏做了收集统计,编了一本《百家姓》(Hundreds of Family Names),把姓氏编成四字一句的韵文(verse),便于诵读和记忆,以后便广为流行,以致作为孩童识字的课本。其实,《百家姓》不止100个姓,这本书共收了500多个姓。而实际上,中国人姓氏多达数千个。


答案 A complete name for Chinese consists of a surname or family name and a given name, with the former proceeding the latter. Traditionally, Chinese people are generally named after their father’s surname, but some are named after the mother’s surname. A family name is a title given to those with a common blood relationship. There are a lot of family names for the Han nationality in China. In the Northern Song Dynasty, some conducted a survey of family names and collected those available, compiling them into a book called "Hundreds of Family Names". All the family names were compiled into four-character verse lines, which made it easy for readers to learn and remember. The book later became so popular that even school children took them as text books. The family names included in the book number over five hundred. In fact, there are thousands of Chinese family names.

