Since Michael Bloomberg became mayor of New York City in 2002, crime—already falling— has gone down by another 35%. Welfare roll

admin2015-03-25  25

问题     Since Michael Bloomberg became mayor of New York City in 2002, crime—already falling— has gone down by another 35%. Welfare rolls have fallen by 24%. He has helped to build 130,000 affordable housing units, with more on the way. His 311 call system, a municipal customer-service line, has received 120m calls since 2003. There have been missteps, like his appointment of Cathie Black to head the school system; she lasted a rocky four months on the job. And he never managed to implement congestion charging. Still, most New Yorkers were pleased to see him elected to a third term. Unusually, other cities are finding him useful too.
    His education reforms, which included the opening of 111 charter schools, have become a model for other districts. He co-chairs Mayors Against Illegal Guns, and last year he was appointed chairman of the C40, a group of world cities that are committed to slowing climate change.
    His charity organisation, Bloomberg Philanthropies, is also making an impact on cities. On July 14th it announced a $24m initiative to fund "Innovation Delivery Teams" to help mayor’s solve particular local problems. The idea grew out of a mayors’ summit hosted by Bloomberg Philanthropies in March, which highlighted the need for municipal innovation when budgets are tight. Mayors all over the country are struggling with a lack of risk capital and overstretched personnel. Five cities, Chicago, Atlanta, New Orleans, Memphis and Louisville—all with strong and fairly new mayors—will each receive $1.4m- $2m a year over the next three years, to spend on staffing the innovation teams.
    Atlanta wants to introduce the 311 system and to tackle homelessness. Memphis wants to reduce handgun violence and to encourage small businesses in certain districts. New Orleans hopes to reduce its horrific homicide rate, and to reduce waiting time for city services. Rahm Emanuel in Chicago is also keen to reduce time wasted. The sooner permits get processed, the quicker, say, a small business can open up and start making money. The Bloomberg funding will also help Mr. Emanuel get an energy-efficiency programme going.
    Greg Fischer in Louisville, Kentucky, who came to office six months ago, wants to pep up the performance of city agencies. His other priority is a partnership with Lexington, long a rival, to devise a new strategy for regional exports. The two cities want to become more globally competitive in advanced car manufacturing. The Brookings Institution is helping them with an economic plan; the Bloomberg money will help the plan get off the ground.
    Bruce Katz of Brookings says cities can no longer afford to compete with each other, but must work together in order to thrive economically. The mayor of New York is giving that philosophy a good push forward.
With the help of the Bloomberg funding,

选项 A、Atlanta will build the 311 call system to help homeless people.
B、Memphis will take favorable measures for small businesses.
C、New Orleans can prevent more cases of committing suicide.
D、Chicago can help small businesses to save money.


解析 事实细节题。根据选项中各城市的名称可定位到第四段,该段第二句提到孟菲斯希望减少枪支暴力并在某些区域鼓励小型企业的发展,显然[B]与原文相符,故为答案。该段第一句提到亚特兰大希望引进311热线系统,并安置城市的无家可归者,因此排除[A];该段第三句指出新奥尔良希望降低其骇人听闻的杀人率,并减少市政服务所需的等待时间,因此排除[C];该段第四、五句指出芝加哥同样热切地希望减少市政服务的等待时间,并想帮助小型企业尽早开张赚钱,因此排除[D]。
