请假人:赵华 请假对象:王老师 请假时间:4月6日—4月12日,共7天 请假理由:赵华接到哥哥4月4日的来信,说父亲病危,让他马上回去。赵华告诉王老师回校后会及时补上落下的功课,请老师放心。最后赵华还附上哥哥的来信。 Words f

admin2013-09-03  34

问题 请假人:赵华
   Words for reference:附在同一封信内的文件herewith


答案                                     Apirl 5, 2008 Dear Mr. Wang, I beg to apply for one week’s leave of absence from the 6th to the 12th, for I’ll return home to see my father, who is now seriously ill. To support my application, I herewith submit a letter received from my brother on Apirl 4th. I should be very much obliged if you grant my application. As regards the lessons to be missed during my absence, I will do my best to make them up as soon as I get back from home. So don’t worry about me. Yours respectfully, Zhao Hua

解析    在日常工作和学习中,经常因病而不能出勤工作或学习,这时就需要办理请假手续。请假条(Asking for Leave)一般分为病假条(Asking for Sick Leave)、事假条(Asking for Business Leave)和续假条(Asking for an Extension of Leave)三种。请假条格式通常包括日期、称呼、正文和署名等内容。病假条通常应说明病情,并附上医生证明;事假条应说明请假事由,最好能附上证明请事假的有关材料;续假条是对原请假的天数申请延续,延续的理由要充分。常见的句型有:
   ◆ I’m awfully sorry that I can’t come to...
   ◆ I beg to apply for four-day leave of absence from...to...
   ◆ I should be very much obliged if you call grant my application of absence.
   ◆ Please give an extension of leave for two days.
