一般而言,中国人的名字包括两部分:姓和名。据说,最初起名字是为了便于称呼。《百家姓》(OneHundred Surnames)成书于北宋(the North Song Dynasty)时期,所列姓氏共有504个。在汉族姓氏中,有19个是最为常用的,使用这1

admin2017-01-16  34

问题     一般而言,中国人的名字包括两部分:姓和名。据说,最初起名字是为了便于称呼。《百家姓》(OneHundred Surnames)成书于北宋(the North Song Dynasty)时期,所列姓氏共有504个。在汉族姓氏中,有19个是最为常用的,使用这19个姓的人口大约占中国总人口的一半。王、李、张这三个姓在中国最为常见。一个人可能有不同的名字,如小时候的“乳名”和上学后的“学名”。大部分的名字都有独特的含义。


答案 Generally speaking, Chinese peoples’ names include two parts: the family name and the given name. It is said that, at first, people picked up names so that they could be addressed. Compiled in the North Song Dynasty, One Hundred Surnames lists 504 surnames in all. There are 19 most popular Han surnames, and the people with those surnames account for about half of China’s total population The three most common family names in China are Wang, Li and Zhang. A person may have different names, such as a "childhood name" when he is young and a "school name" upon entering school Most names have special meanings.

解析 1.第2句为无主语句,可增译主语people,“起名字”可译为pick up names或name themselves.“为了便于称呼”表目的,可译为一个简单的目的状语从句so that they could be called/addressed。注意从句讲述的是名字的起源,应用一般过去时。
3.第4句是一个长句,可以整合信息,转换句子成分。把状语“在汉族姓氏中”直接译入“有19个是最为常用的”之中,表达为there are 19 most popular Hart surnames。这种合译法是一种很好的简洁译法。
4.第5句如果照字面语序直接译成Wang,Li and Zhang,the three family names are the most common in China则显得生硬。可以调整成分和语序,将主语和表语进行转换,译成The three most common family names are…,更符合英语的思维方式和表达习惯。
5.倒数第2句翻译的巧妙之处在于upon的运用,其意是“一……就……”,表示在上学时就用学名了。“上学后”也可译成after going to school。但相比之下,upon entering school更地道。
