在中国古代社会,官服是权力的象征,历来受到统治阶级的重视。因为明朝皇帝姓朱,所以官员的官服是以大红为主的(紫色从此不在官服中使用),且样式近似唐代圆领服。最有特色的是用“补子”(buzi)表示官员的品级。补子是一块约 40-50厘米的正方形丝绸材料,可织绣

admin2014-04-25  25

问题 在中国古代社会,官服是权力的象征,历来受到统治阶级的重视。因为明朝皇帝姓朱,所以官员的官服是以大红为主的(紫色从此不在官服中使用),且样式近似唐代圆领服。最有特色的是用“补子”(buzi)表示官员的品级。补子是一块约 40-50厘米的正方形丝绸材料,可织绣上不同的纹样,然后被分别缝缀在官服的胸前和背后。文官的补子用飞禽,武官用走兽,分成九个等级。平常穿的圆领袍衫则凭衣服长短来区分身份,衣服长的人地位高。


答案In ancient China, the official dress was a symbol of power, and was taken seriously by the ruling class of ages. In the Ming Dynasty, as the emperor’s family name was Zhu meaning red, the official dress was mostly bright red; as a result, the colour purple was no longer used as the colour for the official dress during the period. The Ming official dress looked quite similar to the round-neck dress in the Tang Dynasty. The “buzi” was the most special characteristic of the Ming official dress, which was used to show the grade of officials. The buzi was a piece of square silk about 40-50cm, which was embroidered with different flower patterns and then sewn to the front part and back part of the official dress. The buzi of the civilian was embroidered with the figure of fowls, and that of the military officer was embroidered with the figures of beasts, which was divided into nine grades. The ordinary round-neck gowns and robes were distinguished according to the length of the dress. The longer the clothes the higher the position.

