下面你将听到关于经济全球化的讲话。// 国际分工继续深化,国际合作的范围继续扩大。生产的基本要素在地区之间得到了前所未有的广泛分布,全球化市场正迅速形成。全人类的共同利益正逐步增加,有越来越多的问题必须通过各国之间的协调与共同努力才能加以解决。//

admin2018-08-31  48

问题     下面你将听到关于经济全球化的讲话。//


答案 The international division of labor continues to deepen and the scope of international coordination keeps expanding. The essential factors of production are extensively allocated across regions to an unprecedented extent, and a global market is rapidly taking shape. The common interests of mankind are gradually on the rise, and more and more problems need to be resolved through coordinated and common efforts of all nations. As human civilization has evolved to this day, the globe is becoming smaller and smaller. The whole world has been incorporated into an inter-woven network that no country or nation could stay away from. The cycle for updating knowledge and technology has been greatly shortened, and the scientific and technological achievements have been converted into real production forces on a scale and at a pace as never seen before. The information technology has greatly overcome the limit of time and space for human activities, offering convenient means for international communication and exchanges. As human civilization develops to this day, the outlook of the world is changing with each passing day. Such proverbs as "traveling a thousand miles a day" and "undergoing a myriad of changes in a split second" were usually a way of expression, but today many of them have become a reality. Under these circumstances, to seek development by closing the country to international intercourse or through self-seclusion, to stand still and rest on one’s laurels — none of these would work and all of them would be eliminated by the tide of the times.

