For years, the prescription for maintaining health hearts had been vigorous exercise—running, swimming, dancing—whatever it took

admin2014-02-20  22

问题     For years, the prescription for maintaining health hearts had been vigorous exercise—running, swimming, dancing—whatever it took to get the heat rate up and keep it there for 20 to 30 minutes at least three times a week. But that message changed.
    A panel of exercise researchers convened by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American College of Sports Medicine reported that people needn’t exercise vigorously to improve their health.
    The American Heart Association has weighed in with similar recommendations. But despite this apparent consensus, there is considerable disagreement in the exercise research community about whether the recommendations are amply supported by scientific data.
    Policy-makers caught in the middle of this disagreement are in a difficult position. It’s a classic dilemma confronting health experts in areas ranging from mammography(哺乳动物学)to diet, where the scientific data are not clear-cut.


答案 多年来,保持心脏健康的方法一直是参加大运动量的活动,诸如跑步、游泳、跳舞等。但无论何种运动形式,每周至少锻炼三次,每次二三十分钟,才能达到提高心速、锻炼心脏的目的。但这样的信息发生了变化。 据疾病控制和预防中心和美国运动医学院召集的运动研究小组报告,人们无须多参加激烈运动即可改善健康状况。 美国心脏协会也对类似建议提出倾向性看法。尽管大家显然已就此达成共识,但运动研究界仍对此种推荐是否具备足够的科学依据存有极大争议。 决策者在两种不同意见中陷入了困境。该领域的健康专家所面临的是一个经典性的难题,从哺乳动物学到饮食等各个领域的科学数据都不清楚。

解析    (1)For years,the prescription for maintaining health hearts had been vigorous exercise—running,swimming,dancing—whatever it took to get the heat rate up and keep it there for 20 to30 minutes at least three times a week.此句为简单复合句,句架为:
    the prescription for…had been vigorous exercise…
    主句是the prescription…had been vigorous exercise,分句是由whatever引导的让步状语从句。句中有一个以破折号分隔的插入语,由于英语中插入成分的使用较汉语更为频繁,有时直译时行文会有突兀感和翻译腔,因此汉译时一般尽量采取包孕式,使插入成分自然地置入句中或将意义融合到句中,取消插入句式。
    prescription作“处方”解,此处还可抽象化,译为“方法”。vigorous exercise可译为“大运动量的活动”。
    vigorous youth朝气蓬勃的青年
    a vigorous player精力充沛的运动员
    a vigorous plant茁壮的植物
    a vigorous attack猛烈的攻击
    fight a vigorous war against disease与疾病进行一场有力的斗争
   (2)A panel of exercise researchers convened by the Centers for Disease Control and Preven—tion and the American College of Sports Medicine reported that people needn’t exercise vigorouslyto improve their health.此句为主从复合句,句架是:
    A panel of exercise researchers...reported that people...
    过去分词短语convened by…作定语,修饰前面的名词panel;that引导的名词从句作repor—ted的宾语,不定式结构to improve their health在句中表示目的。panel作“专题讨论小组”解。convene作“召集”解。
   (3)But despite this apparent consensus,there is considerable disagreement in the exerciseresearch community about whether the recommendations are amply supported by scientific data.此句为简单复合句,句架是:
    But despite…there is considerable disagreement in…about…
    介词despite所带的短语表示让步,可译为“虽然”。这部分可译成一个主谓结构。主句there is结构中含有一个由whether引导的从句作介词about的宾语。consensus作“一致"解。又如:
    The voters’consensus was that measures should be adopted.
    government by consensus被一致认可的政府
   (4)It’s a classic dilemma confronting health experts in areas ranging from mammography(哺乳动物学)to diet,where the scientific data are not clear—cut.此句为简单复合句,句架是:
    It’s a classic dilemma confronting health experts in areas...where...
    句中的分词短语confronting、分词短语ranging from作形容词修饰语修饰前面的名词areas;where引导非限制性定语从句,可以分译。
    I am in a dilemma whether to do maths or English.
    The doctc was in a dilemma as to whether to tell the patient the truth about his condition ornot.
    The ideas of how to help their company get out of dilemma occupied the proscenium of hismind.
    to confront danger(勇敢地)面对危险
    I am confronted with many difficulties.
