Institutions of higher learning must move, as the historian Walter Russell Mead puts it, from a model of "time served" to a mode

admin2016-01-02  22

问题     Institutions of higher learning must move, as the historian Walter Russell Mead puts it, from a model of "time served" to a model of "stuff learned." Because increasingly the world does not care what you know. Everything is on Google. The world only cares, and will only pay for, what you can do with what you know. And therefore it will not pay for a C-plus in chemistry, just because your state college considers that a passing grade and was willing to give you a diploma. We ’re moving to a more competency-based world, where there will be less interest in how you acquired the competency and more demand to prove that you mastered the competency.
    Therefore, we have to get beyond the current system of information and delivery—the professorial "sage on the stage" and students taking notes, followed by a superficial assessment, to one in which students are asked and empowered to master more basic material online at their own pace, and the classroom becomes a place where the application of that knowledge can be honed through lab experiments and discussions with the professor.
    There seemed to be a strong consensus that this "blended model" combining online lectures with a teacher-led classroom experience was the ideal. Last fall, San Jose State used the online lectures and interactive exercises of MIT’ s introductory online Circuits and Electronics course. Students would watch the MIT lectures and do the exercises at home. Then in class, the first 15 minutes were reserved for questions and answers with the San Jose State professor, and the last 45 were devoted to problem-solving and discussion. Preliminary numbers indicate that those passing the class went from nearly 60 percent to about 90 percent.
    We demand that plumbers and kindergarten teachers be certified to do what they do, but there is no requirement that college professors know how to teach. No more. The world of MOOCs(Massive Open Online Courses)is creating a competition that will force every professor to improve his or her pedagogy or face an online competitor.
    Bottom line: There is still huge value in the residential college experience and the teacher-student and student-student interactions it facilitates. But to thrive, universities will have to nurture even more of those unique experiences while blending in technology to improve education outcomes in measurable ways at lower costs. We still need more research on what works, but standing still is not an option.
According to Paragraph 3, we can learn that online lectures in San Jose State last fall______.

选项 A、took an hour for each lecture
B、were followed by classroom experiences
C、surpassed classroom experiences in teaching effect
D、were the first step to get a degree in Circuits and Electronics course


解析 根据题干关键词定位到第三段。第一句用combine…with…说明“混合模式”是“将在线课程和以老师为主导的教室教学结合起来”,接着用圣何塞州立大学举例说明,根据关键词students,watch,lectures,at home,Then in class等可知,学生是先在家观看在线课程,然后再去上课,所以B项“(在线课程)先于教室教学”符合文意,为正确答案。A项“(在线课程)每节花费1小时”,与原文不符。C项“(在线课程)比以老师为主导的教室教学能取得更好的教学效果”,D项“(在线课程,)是获得电路与电子学学位的第一步”.原文没有提及。
