A、Annual membership for the future. B、Yearly membership for now. C、Quarter membership for the future. D、Seasonal membership for

admin2017-03-15  45

W: Oh hi, I’d like to join the Fisher Library here in our department. I am wondering what I shall do.
M: Oh, yes. Can I see your student card, please?
W: Yes...
M: 20445761 for Master of Education...good. Distance education or educational leadership?
W: No, educational administration though I thought about TESOL or curriculum design.
M: Um...hold on and I’ll get the form for you...Now, I’ll just ask you a few questions and then I’ll get you to sign at the bottom. OK?
W: Right.
M: OK, and what’s your current address?
W: Apart 403, No. 235, Downing Street, Cambridge.
M: OK, so the post code is 2067, right?
W: Oh, it’s eh...2057.
M: Mm. And your home and work number, if applicable.
W: 2062 2302 or 2062 2053 for my living place but I don’t have a work number.
M: And we need your driver’s licence number if you have one.
W: Yes, I know it off by heart 2708BD. Do you need to see it?
M: Yes, I’m afraid I do.
W: Mm...here it is.
M: Right, thanks. And could you tell me your date of birth please?
W: 8 July 1984.
M: That’s the most important part out of the way. What kind of books or other materials do you prefer to read or watch? Have a look at this list.
W: Well, I love anything that makes me think. I don’t like those jokes and funny punch lines, although my father likes them. Anything sophisticated like philosophy, psychology, metaphysics, or literature...they are good for me.
M: Anything else?
W: Mm, documentaries of the great outdoors, such as Planet Earth, Wild Africa, National Geography...you know...seas and oceans, mountains and summits...They are so amazing. And make me feel that we humans are so small...
M: Yes, I understand. And how much time would you spend on reading on a daily basis if possible?
W: Well, that really depends. If I don’t have too many lectures and tutorials, such as Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, I can sit there reading for the whole day. But if it comes to Thursday, then...
M: Let’s say the average reading hours on a weekly basis then.
W: I would say at least 20-30 hours, yes.
M: That’s an average of 3-4 hours’ reading per day then.
W: Yes, but I still have to play it by ear, you know.
M: Yes. And the last question. If we increase the membership fee to $25 per year and $10 per quarter, would you still join the library?
W: Well, you see, I haven’t really started yet so it’s hard...
M: Oh, yes, I understand. Now, I think that’s all from me, except I need you to sign here on the line. Here’s a pen. Oh, and I nearly forgot, $10 for annual membership or $5 for seasonal...and $15 deposit, refundable if you leave the library for any reason.
W: So I can have the $15, not $25 at last.
M: Yes...
1. The Fisher Library is probably affiliated to which college?
2. What is the woman’s research area now?
3. Which of the following is the woman’s home number?
4. How does the woman feel about her driver’s licence number?
5. What kind of membership does the woman apply for?

选项 A、Annual membership for the future.
B、Yearly membership for now.
C、Quarter membership for the future.
D、Seasonal membership for now.


