【61】 The Chinese Constitution stipulates that women enjoy equal political rights with men and they also enjoy the equal right

admin2010-06-30  35

问题   【61】 The Chinese Constitution stipulates that women enjoy equal political rights with men and they also enjoy the equal right to vote and to stand for election. In the past 4 decades, the number of women deputies elected to the National People’s Congress, the country’s highest organ of state power, has been steadily increasing. At the First National People’s Congress held in 1954, there were only 147 women deputies, comprising 11.9% of the total, whereas in 1993 at the Eighth People’s Congress, the number had risen to 626, or 21.03% of the total.
  【62】 Chinese women participate in the management of state affairs through their own organization—the All-China Women’s Federation, which is a mass organization for women of all nationalities and all trades and professions. The basic function of the women’s federation is to represent and protect women’s rights and interests and to achieve equality between women and men. Women’s federations at various levels and their member organizations also recommend female cadres to state organs, mass organizations, enterprises or institutions. In China, these women’s organizations range from central government-level to local-level, and from village and township-level in rural areas to street-level in cities. Through these organizations women put forward proposals concerning their own interests or air their views on important national affairs. Many of their proposals and opinions have been conveyed by the women’s federations to the governments at all levels or the departments concerned, where they were given serious consideration.
  【63】 Many distinguished women now occupy responsible positions in the People’s Congress, the People’s Political Consultative Conferences, and the governments at various levels. There are 17 women members on the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People’s Congress and among the 19 vice chairpersons, 2 are women. In the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conferences, there are 28 women members on the standing committee and 1 woman vice chairperson. Up to September 1991, the percentage of female officials at various levels accounted for 30.6% of the country’s total, an increase of 26 times over the figure in 1951. China now has 1 female state councilor and 3 female ministers. Nearly 13 % of the country’s 1,500 mayors are women.
  【64】 Many problems still exist that stand in the way of Chinese women contributing more to the political and social life of tile country. For instance, in some under-developed areas, women are still despised and discriminated against by some sections of the society while the political consciousness of women remains to be awakened and developed. Though many women now hold important offices, the number of women officials is still quite small, compared with the country’s large female population and workforce. Furthermore, the higher the government positions, the fewer women there are to hold offices, and the majority of female leaders are put in subordinate or deputy positions.
  【65】 To promote women’s involvement in state affairs, the whole society should make strenuous efforts to speed up the country’s economic and cultural development while raising the consciousness of both women and men, and encouraging self-respect, self-confidence, self-reliance and self- strengthening in women. Meanwhile, women cadres should be given more opportunities for involvement in the country’s political life.



