With the popularity of reality shows, more and more stars or celebrities are seen on various TV entertainment programs. Some peo

admin2022-09-07  65

问题     With the popularity of reality shows, more and more stars or celebrities are seen on various TV entertainment programs. Some people strongly recommend reducing star reality shows, for fear that universal entertainment will exert a bad influence on the youth. What is your idea of star reality shows?
    Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:
                                Should Star Reality Shows Be Reduced?
    Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


答案 Should Star Reality Shows Be Reduced? Since stars or celebrities have great charisma to attract and affect the ordinary people, those reality shows they attend can arouse our reflection and discussion on some issues we may have ignored before. Let’s take a well-known star reality show "Dad, Where Are We Going?" as an example. Not only does the program trigger our precious memory of fathers’ care and love, but the different ways of interaction between the star fathers and their children also bring about a fierce discussion about family education. It makes us rethink the way we get along with our family members. In addition, star reality shows, to some extent, have been used recently as an important way to introduce China’s different regions and to promote tourism of those places. When the "Chinese Running Man", a TV reality show that gets popular Chinese stars to complete different tasks outdoors, filmed a segment in Dunhuang, Gansu Province, it brought a lot of good publicity to the place. After the show was broadcast, there were hundreds of news reports about Gansu and thus it attracted thousands of tourists throughout the country. It is unnecessary to fix our eyes on the tiny shortcomings of some star reality shows. It turns out that programs demonstrating what the society wants and needs will definitely survive, while the worthless ones will finally vanish from sight. I believe that many star reality shows can benefit the audience and the economic growth.

解析     本题是观点论证型题目,核心问题是如何看待明星真人秀。有两个基本观点:不应该减少明星真人秀,因为它们是成功的商业运作,无论对经济还是观众都是有益的;应该减少明星真人秀,因其会使我们进入全民娱乐时代,不利于提升国民素质。考生应提出自己的观点,然后具体论述,最后总结全文。
    中间部分第一部分用“Let’s take…as an example”引出具体例子来佐证自己的观点,用“Not only…but also…”结构阐述明星真人秀的优点。第二部分用“In addition…”引出明星真人秀的另一个优点:不仅可以向观众介绍中国的不同地区,还能刺激这些地区旅游业的发展。接着举例指出真人秀节目给甘肃敦煌带来的益处,论证自己的观点。
