A、They possess a high motivation. B、They are better language learners. C、They already know more than one language. D、They apply

admin2019-04-25  30

M: How different would you imagine the learning of a second language to be, comparing older and younger learners? When might changes in learning style begin to take place?
W: One of the pieces of evidence that most strongly argues against the existence of a critical period for the acquisition of a second language suggests that there is no particular age when the ability to learn a second language declines. A critical period would be associated with a rather sharp fall-off in speed, ease, or success of second-language acquisition, but no such decline has ever been reported. Furthermore, studies that have compared the errors of older and younger learners who learn in similar contexts have found they make very similar errors, suggesting again that they are applying quite similar cognitive processes to the learning challenge.
M: Do you have any possible explanations for the achievement of adults who demonstrate exceptionally strong abilities to learn a second language?
W: Studies of highly successful adult second-language learners suggest that they have a high motivation to learn the target language, and a period, typically early in the acquisition process, of full immersion in the target language, with minimal recourse to the first language. Of course, it is more often children who learn second languages that find themselves in this position of being highly motivated and left to sink-or-swim in the second-language setting. Consequently, it is perhaps not surprising that they are somewhat more likely to achieve high second-language proficiency.
M: What influences in second-language learning would you say are repeatedly overlooked by the researchers who conclude that children demonstrate a greater capacity to learn a second language than adults do?
W: The missing variable in research on age differences in second-language acquisition is first language maintenance. Child second-language learners are somewhat more likely to achieve native-like proficiency in the second language than adult learners, and massively more likely to lose proficiency in their first language in the process. Adult second-language learners almost never become monolingual in the process of learning a second language, as children often do. Thus, they master the greater cognitive and linguistic challenge of maintaining two languages, often at a very high level, with much greater success than children do.
M: Well, thank you Professor Snow.
W: My pleasure.
6. What do the similar errors of both older and younger learners show?
7. What accounts for the achievement of highly successful adult learners?
8. What does success in learning a target language involve?
9. What influences are repeatedly overlooked by researchers?
10. Why do adult second-language learners master greater cognitive and linguistic challenges?

选项 A、They possess a high motivation.
B、They are better language learners.
C、They already know more than one language.
D、They apply more effective cognitive processes.


解析 访谈中主持人问有没有关于在第二语言学习中展现出极强能力的成年人成绩的解答。Professor Snow提到,研究表明这些高度成功的第二语言学习者对于所学语言有强烈的学习动机(have a high motivation),A与此相符.其中的possess是对have的同义改写。B“他们是更好的语言学习者”和C“他们已经掌握不止一种语言”明显与录音所述不符:D说他们使用了更为有效的认知过程,这与访谈提到的年轻学习者使用的认知过程与年长的学习者类似相悖,排除。
