赤壁(Chibi)是中国著名的古战场,位于今天的湖北省境内。赤壁之战发生在三国时期(the Three King-doms Period)。刘备和孙权联合起来,巧用火攻,战胜了强大的曹操军队。因此,赤壁之战成了著名的以弱胜强的战例,许多军事文献都有提及。此

admin2017-03-01  36

问题     赤壁(Chibi)是中国著名的古战场,位于今天的湖北省境内。赤壁之战发生在三国时期(the Three King-doms Period)。刘备和孙权联合起来,巧用火攻,战胜了强大的曹操军队。因此,赤壁之战成了著名的以弱胜强的战例,许多军事文献都有提及。此外,在各种文学作品中也有许多关于赤壁之战的描述。各个时代的诗人们以赤壁之战为主题写下了许多著名诗篇。


答案 Located in today’s Hubei Province, Chibi is a famous ancient battlefield in China. The Battle of Chibi took place in the Three Kingdoms Period. Liu Bei joined forces with Sun Quan and made good use of fire to defeat Cao Cao’s strong army. Because of this, the Battle of Chibi has become a famous example of the weak overcoming the strong, and is mentioned in many military works. Apart from this, there are a lot of descriptions about the Battle of Chibi in all kinds of literary works. Poets in different eras wrote down many famous poems with the Battle of Chibi as the theme.

解析 1.在第1句中,为强调赤壁作为著名古战场的重要性,可将前半句处理成主干(Chibi is a famous ancientbattlefield in China),后半句处理成状语,用分词短语located in…来表达并置于句首,使句型主次分明。
2.第3句“刘备和孙权联合起来,巧用火攻,战胜了……”中有3个动词,可将“联合”和“巧用”处理成并列动宾结构,“战胜”作结果,译作Liu Bei joined forces with Sun Quan and made good use of fire to defeat…。此处的“联合”指的是军事力量的联合而不是单纯的合作,故此处不用cooperate,而用join forces with。
3.第4句中“战例”的定语“著名的以弱胜强的”较长,可将拆成两部分处理,“著名的”仍处理为前置定语,后面的“以弱胜强的”则处理成后置定语,用介词短语of the weak overcoming the strong来表达,即该短语译作a famous example of the weak overcoming the strong。
4.最后一句的主干为“诗人们写下了诗篇”,在翻译时可先将这部分译出来(poets wrote down poems),再插入其他成分。状语“以……为主题”用介词短语with…as the theme来表达。
