It has now been five years since Margaret Thatcher resigned as Britain’ s Prime Minister. In her heyday she strode the internati

admin2019-07-30  44

问题 It has now been five years since Margaret Thatcher resigned as Britain’ s Prime Minister. In her heyday she strode the international headlines with such bravura that she seemed inevitable, a natural force. The world stage seemed just the right size for her, as she chaffed her conservative soul mate Ronald Reagan or flattered the " new man," Mikhail Gorbachev.
Now the political world has begun to focus on the immensity of her achievement. How on earth did she manage to get there? She was elected to Parliament at 32 in 1958(five years before The Feminine Mystique was published). She parried her way through the complacent, male-dominated councils of power—no woman had ever roiled those waters. Couldn’ t the old boys see her coming? After all, there was nothing subtle about her personality or her approach.
As The Path to Power(Harper-Collins; 656 pages; $30), the second volume of her autobiography , makes clear, Thatcher was probably too simple and direct for the Tories, with their heavy baggage of class and compromise. She traveled light, proud of her roots as a grocer’ s daughter from the small town of Grantham but never tethered by working-class resentments or delusions of inferiority. Her parents taught her the verities they believed in: Methodism, hard work, thrift and the importance of the individual. She has never wavered from them, and they run through the book.


答案 马格丽特.撒切尔辞去英国首相职务已经五年了。在她(政治生涯)的鼎盛时期,她以光彩照人的风格而成为国际上的新闻人物,她好像必然如此,她是一股自然的力量。在她跟她的保守党精神伙伴罗纳德.里根打趣时,或是在奉承“新人”米哈伊尔.戈尔巴乔夫时,这个世界看来恰好是适合她驰骋的舞台。 现在政界开始把注意力集中在她的辉煌的政绩上。她到底是如何进入政界的呢?1958年(《女性的奥秘》发表前五年)她三十二岁时被选进议会。她左挡右闪闯进了那些由自满的男人控制的权力机构——过去不曾有任何女人到那里去搅和。难道那些老家伙们看不见她的到来吗?其实她的性格和施政手段并没有什么微妙之处。 正如她的第二本自传《通往权力之路》所说,对于那些阶级意识很重并善于折衷的英国保守党党员,也许撒切尔过于简单,过于直来直去。她没有负担。她以自己是格兰瑟姆小镇一个杂货商的女儿而感到自豪,但是她没有被劳动阶级因为地位低下而产生的怨恨或迷惑所束缚。她的父母教她懂得了他们所相信的真理:卫斯理教,勤勉,节俭,以及个人的重要性。对于这些信仰,她从未动摇过。这些内容贯穿着全书。

