It’s midday, and your phone’s battery is dangerously close to the 20 per cent mark. If you’re like the majority of people, that

admin2017-11-19  24

问题     It’s midday, and your phone’s battery is dangerously close to the 20 per cent mark. If you’re like the majority of people, that red icon will leave you feeling panicked, annoyed and hunting for a spare charger. LG has dubbed this condition "Low Battery Anxiety" and says that nearly 9 out of 10 people suffer from the fear of losing power on their phone.
    The company polled a random sample of more than 2,000 adult smartphone users in the US earlier this year. When it comes to choosing between hitting the gym or charging their smartphone, it found one in three people are likely to skip the gym. But millennials tend to have it worse— with 42 per cent likely to skip the gym when choosing between working out or charging their phone. Smartphone users will even "drop everything" and make a U-turn to head back home to charge their phone.


答案 刚到中午,你的手机电池就已经岌岌可危,接近20%电量的标志。如果你和大多数人一样,那个红色的电量条会让你恐慌、抓狂及四处寻找备用电池。LG把这种状况戏称作“低电量焦虑”,据说90%的人遭遇过手机没电的恐慌。 LG今年早些时候在美国随机抽取样本,调查了2 000多位智能手机成年用户。当要求被调查者选择去健身房或者去给手机充电时,结果显示1/3的人会放弃健身。但千禧一代更严重——从锻炼和充电中做选择时,42%的人会放弃健身。智能手机用户为了给手机充电甚至会“抛下一切”调头回家。

