
admin2015-01-10  23

问题 ______  
One of the consequences brought by urbanization is this: such large concentrations of people pose immense environmental problems. In Mexico City, for example, one-quarter of the population has no access to running water, and one in five houses is not connected to the sewerage system. Located in a valley, the city suffers so badly from air pollution from motor vehicles that the city centre must periodically be closed to traffic. Mexico City’s problems are replicated in most other large cities in the developing world, and to a lesser degree in the large cities of industrialized countries as well.
By cardiovascular disease I mean heart attacks, strokes and so on. Males appear to be at much higher risk for cardiovascular disease than females. Obesity technically means at least twenty percent above ideal weight. Clearly this puts a person at risk for diabetes and high blood pressure. People who’ve had heart attacks younger in their lives typically are what’s called Type A personalities. You may have heard the term before. People who are perfectionist, easily angry, competitive, people who work very hard and play very hard, these people tend to be under more stress and therefore under more of a risk for cardiovascular disease.



