
admin2022-05-20  33

It’s 8 o’clock on Tuesday, May 1st. Here is the news: Between the hours of 7:00 and 8:00 P. M. last night, five thieves broke into the country house of Lord and Lady Chest-field on an island. They entered by a window at the rear of the house and surprised the owners who were watching television in the drawing room. After disconnecting the telephone and tying up Lord and Lady Chest-field, the thieves escaped with 16 precious paintings. The market value of such art works have been estimated at somewhere around 4 million pounds. Lord and Lady Chest-field were not seriously harmed but have been treated for shock in the hospital.
Early this morning a woman with a Scottish accent telephoned the Times in London to say that the Chest-field Organization for Freedom had claimed the responsibility for the theft.  This is the third time this
year that this organization has claimed the responsibility for an act of this kind. The organization defends all the farmers on the island. The farmers were forced to leave their lands when Lord Chest-field, their landlord, refused to renew their traditional lease last year in order to extend the reservation area for birds.



