The author of FAMILY VALUE paints a rather bleak vision of signs where the traditional family is headed in our postindustrial ag

admin2011-03-14  33

问题     The author of FAMILY VALUE paints a rather bleak vision of signs where the traditional family is headed in our postindustrial age. Divorce is raging. More people are living alone. Couples are often living together without the commitment of marriage. These statistics are Britain today, but the phenomena are occurring throughout the postindustrial world as well. Sociologists do not agree as to the causes of this bleakness. Some lay blame on single mothers who set up a cycle of economic deprivation, emotional instability and lack of parental authority. Others feel that women working full time having fewer children, living much longer than their grandmothers, yielding to advertising and financial stress, and striving to "succeed" in terms of a man dominated world are the real causes. Also, families may be becoming more private as time and outside stress demand too much of its members. It seems, there is no sense of place in a time of continuous movement, old people need a purpose, and aging must be acknowledged.


答案 《家庭的价值》一文的作者描绘了一幅相当严峻的景象。在这幅景象中,传统的家庭在我们所处的后工业化时代受到冲击。离婚盛行,更多的人独自生活,而在一起生活的男女又往往不做出结婚的承诺,这些统计资料是今日英国的写照。然而,这些现象同时也发生在整个后工业化世界。社会学家们对其产生的原因意见不一。有些社会学家怪罪于单身母亲,认为是她们造成了周而复始的经济贫困、感情不稳定以及父亲威信的丧失。另外一些社会学家认为,妇女全日制工作、少生孩子、寿命比她们的祖母辈长、舆论和经济的压力沉重,而且,她们正在按照男人统治世界的方式力求取得“成功”,这些才是上述景象产生的真正原因。另外,由于时间与外界对家庭成员的压力越来越大,家庭可能变得更加封闭化。在一个不断变动的时代里,人们似乎失去—了地方观念。在这样的年代里,老人需要有(生活的)目的,人们必须认识老龄化问题。

