Even as the carnage at Lehman Brothers left thousands of employees stranded, the next generation of Wall Street hopefuls began f

admin2014-06-13  38

问题     Even as the carnage at Lehman Brothers left thousands of employees stranded, the next generation of Wall Street hopefuls began filing back to class this month at business schools across the country. The storied banking giant’s demise was an illustrative lesson for the industry and for academics — one that may lead to lasting changes in business-school curriculums. "I predict that people will spend a lot more time than they used to learning about risk management and understanding the subtleties," says Awi Federgruen, chair of the Decision, Risk and Operations Division at Columbia Business School.
    For more than half a century, business schools have taught the fundamentals of risk management— the study of policies and procedures to analyze and control risk— but the availability of more comprehensive electives is a relatively recent development, a direct response to the faltering U.S. financial markets. Enrollment in the University of Mississippi’s risk-management-and-insurance program, one of the oldest in the country, jumped to 130 students in 2007, up from just 19 in 1995. And the number of U.S. business schools offering a concentration in risk management nearly doubled between 2005 and 2007, according to the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, while degrees in risk management are increasingly being offered at business schools around the globe.
    "Maybe this [crisis] will force a number of the business schools, including our own, to rethink whether we should make this part of the complete requirements," says Federgruen, referring to in-depth risk-management coursework, "rather than just counting on the students themselves to understand that this is material that they’d better learn."


答案 就在雷曼兄弟公司的惨况让成千上万的雇员没有着落时,下一批有望在华尔街施展的人们在这个月纷纷回到美国商学院的课堂上。这家著名的银行界巨人的陨落,为企业和学院上了生动的一课——可能会使商学院的课程发生永久性的变化。“我预料人们会比过去花更多的时间来学习风险管理和了解棘手的问题,”哥伦比亚商学院决策、风险与运作部的主任Awi Federgruen说。 半个多世纪以来,商学院一直都在教授风险管理的基础课程,即政策研究以及分析和控制风险的程序。但是,为直接针对美国摇摇欲坠的金融市场而提供的内容更广泛的选修课,则是相对新生的事物。密西西比大学的风险管理与保险课程是全美历史最悠久的,报名参加该课程的学生从1995年的19名猛增到2007年的130名。据高等大学商学院协会提供的数据,美国集中讲授风险管理课程的商学院数量从2005年到2007年间翻了近一倍,同时,全世界范围内的商学院也在增加授予风险管理专业的学位。 Federgruen在谈及深度风险管理课程时说:“或许此次危机将迫使许多包括我们在内的商学院,重新考虑应该如何使它成为必修课程,而不是指望学生自己去明白这是他们应该学习的材料。”

