
admin2019-10-05  21

问题     夜色中看这堵围墙,十分奇妙,颇有点诗意。白墙、黑瓦、宝蓝色的漏窗泛出晶莹的光辉,里面的灯光从漏窗中透出来,那光线也变得绿莹莹的。清风吹来,树枝摇曳,灯光闪烁变幻,好像有一个童话般的世界深藏在围墙的里面。抬起头来从墙顶上往里看,可以看到主建筑的黑色屋顶翘在夜空里,围墙也变得不像墙了,它带着和主建筑相似的风格进入了整体结构。附近的马路也变样了,好像是到了什么风景区或文化宫的入口。


答案Seen dimly through the moonlight, the boundary wall looked enchanting and full of poetry. The white wall, black tiles and sapphire windows were all suffused with sparkling brilliance while the light that filtered out through the patterned blocks was transformed to a shining emerald green. A light breeze blew, swaying the tree branches and making the rays of light glimmer and dance as if a fairytale world were hidden deep within. Above the wall one could see the black roof of the building inside jutting into the night air, so that the wall suddenly seemed to transform, melting into the main building whose style it matched to perfection. The nearby road seemed to have changed too, as if it were the entrance to a scenic area or a cultural palace.

解析 1.本段为描写文,采用一般过去时或一般现在时为总体时态均可,但必须注意整个段落的时态要一致。
2.第1句的主干为“围墙十分奇妙,颇有点诗意”,因此翻译时应该以“围墙”(the boundary wall)为主语,突出段落的主题。“奇妙”可译为enchanting,突出使人流连忘返的含义,也可根据上下文译为mysterious或attractive;“颇有点诗意”可略带夸张地译为full of poetry。从全段的风格来看,这样的夸张合情合理。
3.第2句主要描写丰富的色彩,营造出一种神秘的氛围与意境,翻译这些颜色时可适当选用含有诗意的词语,以保留原文的风格。“黑瓦”为black tiles;“宝蓝色”可译为sapphire,保留诗意,若译为blue或dark blue,也能表达原文的基本意思;“绿莹莹”可译为emerald green;“泛出晶莹的光辉”译为were all suffusedwith sparkling brilliance,充当前一个分句的谓语;“透出来”译为filtered out,形象生动。
4.第3句描写闪烁变幻的光影,加强神秘效果。“树枝摇曳,灯光闪烁变幻”是“清风吹来”的结果,所以可译为分词短语,使结构紧凑。“清风”可译为light breeze,保留诗意,若译为light wind,虽意思准确,但意境略差。“好像有一个童话般的世界深藏在围墙的里面”中的“有”字,翻译时没有必要用there is/there are的机械句型,直接用主谓结构,译为as if a fairytale world were hidden deep within,比as if there was afairytale world hidden deep within更为简练。
5.第5句的“马路也变样了”并非说马路真的变了,而是说一种视觉效果,所以翻译为seemed to havechanged比较稳妥,与后面的as if引导的虚拟句式形成呼应。
