
admin2021-04-19  32

问题 下面你将听到一段有关大数据带来的机遇与挑战的讲话。
The volume of data in the world is increasing exponentially. By some estimates, 90% of the data in the world has been created in the last two years, and it is projected to increase by 40% annually. A large share of this output is "data exhaust" or passively collected data deriving from everyday interactions with digital products or services, including mobile phones, credit cards, and social media. This deluge of digital data is known as big data. Data is growing because it is increasingly being gathered by inexpensive and numerous information-sensing, mobile devices and because the world’s capacity for storing information has roughly doubled every 40 months since the 1980s.
       The data revolution, which encompasses the open data movement, the rise of crowdsourcing, new ICTs for data collection, and the explosion in the availability of big data, together with the emergence of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things — is already transforming society. Advances in computing and data science now make it possible to process and analyze big data in real time. New insights gleaned from such data mining can complement official statistics and survey data, adding depth to information on human behaviors and experiences. The integration of this new data with traditional data should produce high-quality information that is more detailed, timely and relevant.
       Data is the lifeblood of decision-making and the raw material for accountability. Today, in the private sector, analysis of big data is commonplace, with consumer profiling, personalized services, and predictive analysis being used for marketing, advertising and management. Similar techniques could be adopted to gain real-time insights into people’s wellbeing and to target aid interventions to vulnerable groups. New sources of data, new technologies, and new analytical approaches, if applied responsibly, can enable more agile, efficient and evidence-based decision-making and can better measure progress on the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) in a way that is both inclusive and fair.
       Fundamental elements of human rights have to be safeguarded to realize the opportunities presented by big data: privacy, ethics and respect for data sovereignty require us to assess the rights of individuals along with the benefits of the collective. Much new data is collected passively — from the "digital footprints" people leave behind and from sensor-enabled objects — or is inferred via algorithms. Combining multiple datasets may lead to the re-identification of individuals or groups of individuals, subjecting them to potential harms. Proper data protection measures must be put in place to prevent data misuse or mishandling.
       There is also a risk of growing inequality and bias. Major gaps are already opening up between the data haves and have-nots. Without action, a whole new inequality frontier will split the world between those who know, and those who do not. Many people are excluded from the new world of data and information by language, poverty, lack of education, lack of technology infrastructure, remoteness or prejudice and discrimination. There is a broad range of actions needed, including building the capacities of all countries and particularly the Least Developed Countries, Land-locked Developing Countries, and Small Island Developing States.
       One of the key roles of the UN and other international or regional organizations is setting principles and standards to guide collective action around the safe use of big data for development and humanitarian action within a global community and according to common norms. These standards seek to increase the usefulness of data through a much greater degree of openness and transparency, avoid invasion of privacy and abuse of human rights from misuse of data on individuals and groups, and minimize inequality in production, access to and use of data. Achievement of the SDGs in our digital world will require recognition of the need not only to prevent misuse of data, but also to ensure that when data can be used responsibly for the public good, it is.


答案 世界上的数据量呈指数增长。据统计,90%的数据是在过去两年创造的,预计数据量每年将增长40%。但产出的数据很大一部分是 “数据废气”,即从移动电话、信用卡和社交媒体等数字产品或服务的日常交互中被动收集的数据。这种泛滥的数据被称为大数据。数据之所以不断增长,是因为数据越来越多地通过大量廉价的信息感知和移动设备收集,而且自20世纪80年代至今,全世界存储信息的能力大约每40个月翻一番。 数据革命,包括开放的数据移动、众包的兴起、收集新数据的信息通信技术的涌现、大数据可用性的爆炸式提高以及人工智能和物联网的出现,正在改变社会。计算和数据科学的进步,使得对大数据进行实时处理和分析变成了现实。通过数据挖掘获取的新数据,可以作为官方统计和调查数据的补充,促进人类行为和经验信息的积累。新数据与传统数据的融合,可以创造更详细、更及时和更相关的高质量信息。 数据是决策的生命力,也是履行责任的原始资料。在今天的私营部门,大数据分析到处可见,通过消费者分析、个性化服务和预测分析,来进行市场营销、广告与管理。另外,通过类似的技术,还可以获取人们生活水平的实时数据,为弱势群体提供有针对性的援助干预。新的数据来源、新技术和新的分析方法,如果加以适当应用,可以更好地监测落实可持续发展目标的进展,确保其既包容又公平。 捕捉利用大数据所提供的机会,必须保障人权的基本要素:隐私、道德和尊重数据主权,需要评估个人的权利与集体的利益。大部分新数据是从人们留下的“数字足迹”或具有感测功能的设备,或通过算法推断收集起来的。这些数据相结合,可能导致个人或集体被识别出来,使他们遭受潜在的危害。因此,必须采取适当的数据保护措施,防止数据被滥用或处理不当。 此外还存在不平等和偏见扩大化的风险。数据占有者和缺失者之间存在巨大的鸿沟。如果不采取行动,世界将被一个全新的边界不平等地划分为知者和不知者。许多人因语言不通、贫穷、缺乏教育、缺乏技术基础设施、偏远或偏见和歧视,被排斥在新的数据和信息世界之外。全球需要采取广泛的行动,包括建设所有国家的能力,特别是最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家和小岛屿发展中国家。 联合国和其他国际或区域组织的关键作用之一,是在国际社会内设立指导方针与标准,开展集体行动,促使大数据安全用于发展和全球人道主义行动,并符合共同规范。这些标准力求通过显著提高公开和透明度,增强数据的效用,避免滥用有关个人和集体的数据导致侵犯隐私和践踏人权,尽量减少在数据的产生、获取和使用方面的不平等。在我们的数字世界中实现可持续发展目标,就需要认识到不仅要防止数据被滥用,还要确保可以将数据负责任地用于公共利益。

解析        本文主要讲述大数据带来的机遇与挑战。第一段与第二段讲述了近年来的爆发式增长。第三段讲述大数据可用于决策与减贫。第四段与第五段讲述大数据会对个人隐私带来威胁,并且可能会加剧不平等现象。第六段讲述联合国与其他国际组织可扮演的角色。本文脉络清晰,话题贴近时事与科技,长度适中,但信息密度较大,包含数个复杂句,成为口译时的难点,文章难度属于中等偏上。
       (1)第一段的最后一句Data is growing because it is increasingly being gathered by inexpensive and numerous information-sensing, mobile devices and because the world’s capacity for storing information has roughly doubled every 40 months since the 1980s比较长,主要包含数据不断增长的两个原因,由两个because分别引导,听辨时需注意该句的层次。because the world’s capacity for storing information has roughly doubled every 40 months since the 1980s中,because可译为“而且”,表示并列的原因,无须翻译为“因为”。同时,该句要注意倍数的翻译,double 可译为“翻了一番”。因此,本句可译为“数据之所以不断增长,是因为数据越来越多地通过大量廉价的信息感知和移动设备收集,而且自20世纪80年代至今,全世界存储信息的能力大约每40个月翻一番”。
       (2)第二段中需注意The data revolution, which encompasses the open data movement, the rise of crowdsourcing, new ICTs for data collection, and the explosion in the availability of big data, together with the emergence of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things-is already transforming society一句的翻译。本句句子较长,信息密度较大,包含多个并列成分,在听辨时需要抓住句子的主干即the data revolution is already transforming society。 which 引导的非限制性定语从句中包含了多个名词性短语做并列成分,需适当增译,使句子更为完整。比如new ICTs for data collection可译为“收集新数据的信息通信技术的涌现”,the explosion in the availability of big data可译为“大数据可用性的爆炸式提高”。因此,全句可译为“数据革命,包括开放的数据移动、众包的兴起、收集新数据的信息通信技术的涌现、大数据可用性的爆炸式提高以及人工智能和物联网的出现,正在改变社会”。
       (3)第三段中,Today, in the private sector, analysis of big data is commonplace, with consumer profiling, personalized services, and predictive analysis being used for marketing, advertising and management一句包含with引导的独立主格结构,为伴随状语。翻译时可处理为并列句子。commonplace可译为“到处可见”。with可译为“通过”,consumer profiling译为“消费者分析”。因此,本句可译为“在今天的私营部门,大数据分析到处可见。通过消费者分析、个性化服务和预测分析,来进行市场营销、广告与管理”。
       (4)第四段中,需注意Much new data is collected passively - from the ‘digital footprints’ people leave behind and from sensor- enabled objects - or is inferred via algorithms一句的翻译。翻译时结合笔记可适当调整语序,先翻译两个from之后的内容,这样比较符合中文的表达。digital footprint可译为“数字足迹”,sensor-enabled objects可译为“具有感测功能的设备”。因此,本句可译为“大部分新数据是从人们留下的‘数字足迹’或具有感测功能的设备,或通过算法推断收集起来的。”
       (5)第五段的最后一句There is a broad range of actions needed, including building the capacities of all countries and particularly the Least Developed Countries, Land-locked Developing Countries, and Small Island Developing States中包含三种国家的分类,为该句的难点。Least Developed Countries 译为“最不发达国家”,Landlocked Developing Countries译为“内陆发展中国家”,Small Island Developing States译为“小岛屿发展中国家”。备考时可积累有关国家和国家分类的词汇,扫除口译时的词汇障碍,使译文更为专业。
       (6)第六段中,One of the key roles of the UN and other international or regional organizations is setting principles and standards to guide collective action around the safe use of big data for development and humanitarian action within a global community and according to common norms一句较长,信息密集,成分复杂,为该段的难点句。翻译时可考虑中文多短句的特色,可适当将句子切分为One of the key roles of the UN and other international or regional organizations is setting principles and standards, to guide collective action around the safe use of big data for development and humanitarian action within a global community和and according to common norms.翻译时可采用“顺句驱动”的方式译为三个句子。因此,本句可译为“联合国和其他国际或区域组织的关键作用之一,是在国际社会内设立指导方针与标准,开展集体行动,促使大数据安全用于发展和全球人道主义行动,并符合共同规范”。
