People in developing countries are easily affected by cigarette advertisement because ______. Many governments in developing co

admin2013-06-17  33

问题 People in developing countries are easily affected by cigarette advertisement because ______.
Many governments in developing countries are so unwilling to launch anti-smoking campaign because ______.

选项 A、public smoking is beneficial to them
B、they haven’t realized the severity of the harm smoking may cause
C、the governments are encouraged to monopolize the cigarette selling
D、by doing so the power of the country may be weakened


解析 由题干中的anti-smoking campaign定位到原文首段倒数第二句...they’re addicted to tobacco taxes.[精析] 题干问的是发展中国家政府不愿发动禁烟运动的原因。题干中unwilling与原文定位句中reluctant含义相符,再由原文because they’re addicted to tobacco taxes可知此处即原因所在,A)“大众吸烟对他们是有益的”与其意思相符,收税即是一种收益,故为正确答案。[排除干扰] B)“他们没有意识到吸烟害处的严重性”,C)“政府受到鼓励进行香烟垄断销售”、D)“这么做可能消弱国家的实力”三项在文中没有涉及,排除。
