
admin2017-03-01  32

问题     在中国,如果不了解“面子”的含义,则很难理解许多行为言辞。面子通常可理解为社会对一个人名誉和声望(prestige)的看法。因此,中国人向来很重视面子问题。丢面子会导致一个人在人际交往中失去权威。中国人通常不会公开指出令人尴尬的事实,从而避免让另一个人丢面子。如果要给某人面子。则可以在大众面前赞美他,欣赏他的才能,或对他表示尊重。


答案 In China, it is difficult to understand many behaviors and speeches without knowing the concept of "face". Face is commonly viewed as social perspective of a person’s reputation and prestige. Therefore, Chinese people have been paying close attention to their face. Losing face will result in one’s loss of authority in the interpersonal communication. Usually the Chinese will not point out embarrassing facts in public so as to avoid making another person lose face. If we want to give face to somebody, we can praise him in public, appreciate his ability or show respect to him.

解析 1.第1句中的“……很难理解……”可套用句型it is+a.+to do sth.(做某事怎么样),译作it is difficultto understand...。条件状语“如果不了解‘面子’的含义”可用从句来表达if you don’t know the conceptof“face”,也可用介词短语without knowing the concept of“face”来翻译。
2.第2句“面子通常可理解为社会对……的看法”虽然没有被动标识词,实际上有被动含义,故英译时须体现,译作face is commonly viewed as…。“对一个人名誉和声望的”用介词短语of a person’s reputation andprestige来表达。
3.倒数第2句中的“从而避免让另一个人丢面子”表目的,故将其处理成目的状语,用不定式短语so as toavoid making...来表达,动词avoid后接动名词形式。
4.最后一句为无主语句,英译时,应增译主语you或者we,此处用we更符合上下文的论述。“在大众面前”,可译为in front of other people,但更地道的表达是in public,如“她不好意思在大众面前唱歌”,译为She is too shy to sing in public。
