
admin2013-03-19  41

问题    在我国社区教育的发展中,政府统筹是重要保证,要始终充分依靠政府的领导和有效管理,统筹安排、合理配置社区教育资源区分社区教育中的非功利性教育与功利性教育,非功利性教育是社区教育的本质体现,功利性教育是社区教育的重要组成;组建高效运作的社区教育实体,发挥龙头作用,提高自我造血功能和自我发展能力,带动社区教育的蓬勃发展,重视和加强社区教育的师资队伍建设,选派适合的教师到社区教育中来;高等教育学校要发挥优势,为社区教育服务;完善社区教育的评估制度和激励措施,推动社区教育的发展。


答案 Comprehensive arrangement of the government guarantees the development of the community education. Hence, we should depend on governmental leadership and effective administration, properly plan and dispose community educational resources. And it’s necessary to distinguish the differences between non-utilitarian education and utilitarian education. Non-utilitarian education is the essential embodiment of community education, while utilitarian education is an important part of community education. Furthermore, we should set up effectively operated entity of community education, and exert its leading function, improve its self-renewal function, and self-development ability, thus accelerate the prosperity of community education. In the meantime, we should emphasize and strengthen the construction of faculty and designate appropriate teachers to take part in community education. Naturally, higher education institutions ought to make use of their advantage to serve community educa tion. Finally, it’s essential to perfect the appraisal policies and incentive measures and propel the development of community education.

