You will hear five short recordings. For each recording, decide what the speaker is giving. Write one letter(A-H)next to

admin2016-11-25  30

问题     You will hear five short recordings.
    For each recording, decide what the speaker is giving.
    Write one letter(A-H)next to the number of the recording.
    Do not use any letter more than once.
    After you have listened once, replay the recordings.
A selling luxury to everyone
B luxury market feeling the pinch
C file sharing not killing record sales
D queen of the crisis
E investing for rebound
F risks of file sharing
G the power of public risk management
H instant debt relief
You will hear five short recordings.
For each recording, decide what the speaker is giving.
Write one letter(A-H)next to the number of the recording.
Do not use any letter more than once.
After you have listened once, replay the recordings.
You have 15 seconds to read the list A-H.
Now listen, and decide what the speaker is giving.
Man: It should remind us that private financial institutions and markets cannot always be counted upon to manage risk optimally on their own. Almost everyone now recognises that the government has a critical role to play — as the lender, insurer, and spender of last resort — in times of crisis. But effective public risk management is also needed in normal times to protect consumers and investors and to help prevent it from starting in the first place.
Woman: Internet music piracy not only doesn’t hurt legitimate CD sales, it may even boost sales of some types of music. Those were the counterintuitive findings released in March by Harvard Business School professor Felix Oberholzer-Gee. The paper caused a ruckus in the music industry not been seen since the British invasion of the Beatles. Many recording executives were convinced that illegal downloading and file sharing have robbed them of billions of dollars after four consecutive years of falling record sale.
Man: Consumers know it and retailers are reaping the bounty. Those goods are at a changing space and things are kicking along vigorously. Rory Tahari, wife of designer Elie Tahari, said she saw a clear trend toward higher expectations from consumers in the fashion industry. "The consumer really wants highly designed garments at an affordable price," she said. Tyler Morse, president of Bliss, said that even in a recession consumers will splurge on those items.
Woman: The mortgage crisis, the deficit, the mass layoffs and the home foreclosures sweeping the U.S. are all signs that the economy is in a ruin, but for personal-finance guru Suze Orman, things could hardly be better. She spends her days fielding calls from people who are in financial peril-drowning in credit-card debt or facing adjustable-rate mortgages that threaten to bury them alive. Each week they phone to Orman’s TV show for advice, which offers the hope that might save themselves from the financial hell. Orman rushed out a paperback response to the economic crisis called Suze Orman’s 2009 Action Plan, which is on the New York Times best-seller list, and the ratings for her TV show are among the highest at CNBC.
Man: Here’s the not-so-bad news: We are nearing a bottom. House prices are falling, but not as rapidly. Consumer confidence is up. Banks are earning money. The stock market in April had its best month in nine years. Even Nouriel Roubini, the New York University professor known for his terrible economic predictions, thinks we are on the recovery. Although that’s not to say the recession is over. Roubini sees the road to recovery as a long and choppy one, with unemployment rising toward 12%. So don’t trade in your emergency fund for a boat. But when it comes to your investing life, it’s time to get back into the water. "People think that things need to go from terrible to terrific before they can invest," says Fidelity’s legendary stock picker Peter Lynch. "But things only have to get to somewhat crummy for stocks to go up."



