Writing George W. Bush’s Biography His paintings made news worldwide, but it turns out that former President George W. Bush h

admin2018-08-11  42

问题    Writing George W. Bush’s Biography
   His paintings made news worldwide, but it turns out that former President George W. Bush has been working on another, highly personal project since leaving the White House: He has quietly completed a biography of his father, former President George H. W. Bush.
   Crown Publishers confirmed that the book, currently untitled, will be released November 11. In 2010, Crown published the younger Bush’s million-selling memoir, Decision Points.
   "George H. W. Bush is a great servant, statesman, and father," George W. Bush said in a statement issued by Crown. "I loved writing the story of his life, and I hope others enjoy reading it. "
   According to Crown, the book will cover the elder Bush’s whole life and his influence on his son, from George W. ’s "childhood in West Texas to his early campaign trips with his father, and from his decision to go into politics to his own two-term Presidency. "
   The book will be "heartfelt, intimate, and illuminating," Crown publisher Maya Mavjee said in a statement.
   "As the only father and son to each have served as President of the United States since John and John Quincy Adams, George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush occupy a unique position in history," Mavjee said. "George W. Bush brings to vivid life his unique perspective of the personal qualities and principles that have animated George H. W. Bush’s extraordinary life of service to country and family. "
   The relationship between the two presidents has long fascinated scholars, political insiders and the general public. Many have speculated that the younger Bush felt competitive with his father, driven to surpass him and to gain his approval.
   George W. Bush first thought of the book around 2010 and began writing it two years later, consulting widely with friends and family members, including his father. The book is expected to be around 300 pages and Crown is planning a first printing of 1 million copies. Although Bush had assistance with research, he wrote the book himself.
   George H. W. Bush, who turned 90 in June, was defeated for re-election in 1992 by Bill Clinton, but his stature has steadily grown. In 2012, he was the subject of an admiring HBO documentary, "41", referring to his being the 41st president. Jon Meacham, a Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer, is working on a book about Bush. George H. W. Bush: Character at the Core, by former Bush speechwriter Curt Smith, is scheduled to come out this fall.
   The elder Bush is one of the few presidents in modern times not to have written a memoir. His books include All the Best: My Life in Letters and Other Writings and A World Transformed, a collaboration with former National Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft.


答案 老布什传记写作 小布什的画作曾闻名全球,不过自离任后,他一直专注于另一项私人事业。现在,他已经快要完成他的父亲——老布什的传记写作了。 王冠出版社已确定,这本传记虽还未命名,但会在11月11日发行。2010年的时候,王冠曾出版发行了小布什的回忆录——《抉择时刻》,售出上百万册。 “老布什是一个出色的公务员,政治家和父亲。”在王冠发布的声明中,小布什这样说道。“我热爱描写他的生活故事,并且我希望读者们能喜欢。” 王冠出版社介绍称,这本书的内容涵盖了老布什的一生以及他对儿子的影响,“从小布什在西德克萨斯州度过的童年到他早期同父亲一起的竞选之旅,从他决定从事政治到他两次当选总统。” 王冠出版人玛雅称赞这本书是“真诚、亲密、富于启发”。 “自亚当斯父子之后,大小布什是美国唯一一对出任总统的父子,这无疑是独特的。”玛雅说。“小布什用他独特的视角观察精彩生活,记录了老布什个人品质和原则。正是这些丰富了老布什服务国家和家庭的非凡生活。” 大小布什总统的关系一直以来都吸引着学者、政治圈人士和大众的兴趣。很多人猜测小布什感受到来自父亲的竞争力,才会想要超过父亲,得到父亲的认可。 小布什第一次构思这本传记是在2010年,两年后,在广泛咨询了包括父亲在内亲友的意见后,他才开始着手写作。传记预计300页左右,王冠则计划首批印刷一百万本。尽管少不了学术界的支持,小布什还是独自完成了这本书。 老布什6月就90高龄了。虽然1992年的第二次选举负于克林顿,老布什的声望却稳步提升。2012年,享有盛誉的。HBO纪录片《41》选择他作为主角。41表示他是第41任总统。普利策奖得主、传记作者乔恩-米查姆正打算写一本关于老布什的书。而老布什的前演讲撰稿人科特-史密斯的新书《乔治H.W.布什:核心人物》预计在今年秋天发行。 老布什是现代极少的几位没写回忆录的总统。他的书有《一切安好:信件和写作中的人生》和《重组的世界》,其中后者是与前国家安全顾问布伦特-斯考克罗夫特合作完成。

