孙权,字(courtesy name)仲谋,今浙江富阳人。15 岁时就开始征战沙场。他是一位善于纳贤的英杰,勇敢果断,选拔官员的标准是唯贤任能。他大胆任用了一批年轻有为的将领,从而帮助孙权成就了一代宏图大业。孙权统治江东 50年,对开发建业和整个江南地区做

admin2014-04-25  27

问题 孙权,字(courtesy name)仲谋,今浙江富阳人。15 岁时就开始征战沙场。他是一位善于纳贤的英杰,勇敢果断,选拔官员的标准是唯贤任能。他大胆任用了一批年轻有为的将领,从而帮助孙权成就了一代宏图大业。孙权统治江东 50年,对开发建业和整个江南地区做出了重大贡献。他发展农业,兴修水利,疏浚(dredge)和扩大了秦淮河水道。他还发展了航海事业,派人到夷洲(今台湾省),出使辽东半岛(peninsula)及南海诸国,还为西域僧人建造了金陵的第一座佛寺——建初寺。


答案Sun Quan, whose courtesy name is Zhongmou, was born in Fuyang, Zhejiang Province. Sun began to fight on the battlefield when he was only 15 years old. Later, when he became a leader, he was brave, decisive and impartial in appointing officials. As a result, a lot of young yet talented men were promoted to important position, which helped Sun a lot in building his kingdom. During his fifty years’ rule, Sun Quan contributed a lot to the development of Jianye (present Nanjing) and the south China as a whole by developing agriculture, building irrigation projects as well as dredging and widening the waterway of the Qinhuai River. What’s more, he helped to develop China’s navigation industry by sending off convoys to Yizhou (modern Taiwan Province), Liaodong Peninsula and some island countries around South China Sea. Under his order, the first Buddhist temple which was named Jianchu Temple was built for monks from the Western Regions.

